10 driving errors attributable to road accidents in Ghana


A road accident in Ghana - photo credit: Ghana media

A road accident in Ghana – photo credit: Ghana media

I had my first driver's license in Ghana on January 5, 1976, at the age of 19 years. During my usual driving career, I became both a taxi and trotro driver in Accra and Cape Coast. With additional driving experience in the West African countries I have lived in, such as Côte d'Ivoire, Nigeria and Sierra Leone, I had a lot of confidence in myself, one of the best pilots in the world, until I arrived in Europe three decades ago.

I've already shared my experience as a commercial driver in Ghana on the ModernGhana news site – I know the strength of corruption in Ghana before I arrive in Europe: https://bit.ly/2E1YnMf, a Verbal war with a corrupt traffic police officer in Ghana: https://bit.ly/2HFBVNc and My great experience with Super OD: https://bit.ly/2IumRTR

In Europe, I realized that the type of driving experience we had in Africa or Ghana was like someone with suicidal tendencies, selfish and reckless driving, and dangerously dangerous driving.

It is only God who protects us on these dangerous roads in Ghana, because what I went through before my European or Belgian driving license allowed me to understand that many Ghanaians will fail the driving test in Europe , whatever the number of years of their stay in Europe. road with or without accident.

In Europe, many Africans, although they are drivers in Africa, have failed the test more than six to eight times. Some of them gave up. I gave up when I failed twice. Five years later, I tried and succeeded, not before going to a driving school and learning day and night at the computer to become familiar with the issues and practice .

This has once again forced me to publish on ModernGhana news- So you think you know how to drive? : https://bit.ly/2JGupn2. After that I published- Ensure road safety in Ghana with Belgium's road safety plan: https://bit.ly/2CNE6uj and How safe is it to ride a bike in Ghana ?: https://bit.ly/2HXydxE

At the present time, road accidents have increased in Ghana, making valuable lives every day. It is very sad to see that some superstitious minds attribute road accidents to something else, instead of recognizing the problems that are causing road accidents in Ghana.

I have therefore compiled 10 main reasons why many accidents occur today on our roads in Ghana.

  • Many Ghanaian pilots have no patience. They go through a red light and do not respect the lives of pedestrians. When someone commits an error and the person is upset, she blames the victim. They do not even consider themselves responsible for knocking out the person. Such a thing does not exist in Europe since they know that pedestrians make a mistake, they give driver's license to drivers who are ready to save lives when this error occurs.
  • There are dangerous vehicles crisscrossing our roads. Some have ineffective brakes, worn tires and broken down traffic lights. Instead of confiscating such vehicles, police collect money from drivers to kill pbadengers.
  • Africa is a tropical continent. Ghana is therefore a sunny country. When the sun reaches its highest temperatures, the air in the tires of the vehicles becomes warmer and wider. It is that time drivers must avoid excessive speed. Drivers who drive too fast often have flat tires and the chances of saving the lives of their pbadengers are very slim. Ghanaian drivers enjoy speeding because they do not reduce speed in places where there are schools or schoolchildren. In Europe, 30 kilometers to the hour are required at these places.
  • As many Ghanaian roads are built without street lights, night driving is very difficult and often leads to road accidents.
  • Broken vehicles, such as long wooden trucks, are left in the middle of the road without enough warning signs. Many vehicles that drive too fast collide with such vehicles at a stop.
  • Some drivers fall asleep while driving. In case of fatigue, the driver must retire. Instead, he prefers to drive hoping to reach his destination and rest. Many do not succeed, killing pbadengers.
  • Many Ghanaian drivers are doubling up in dangerous places. For example, some may overtake in curves or on rising and falling slopes.
  • Some drivers are under the influence of alcohol and drugs.
  • Many Ghanaian roads are bad, full of potholes. Avoiding potholes often leads to a head-on collision.
  • Ghanaian roads lack adequate warnings and cautions. As a result, most inexperienced Ghanaian drivers violate the rules of conduct.

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