Osagyefo Barge: A policeman questioned is shot dead | Social


A police officer badigned to the Osagyefo power barge in Effasu, near Half Assini in the western region, has committed suicide.

Sergeant Fuseini Mohamuda was shot in the skin because, according to a suicide note that he left behind, he could not take the shame badociated with an investigation into his alleged robbery.

With a colleague and four civilian accomplices, namely: Usif Musah, Usif Sulley, Abdulai Issah and Joseph Baidoo, the deceased policeman was under investigation for stealing a six-burner gas stove, a four-burner electric stove, three double-door refrigerators and five air conditioners, all of which were found in a Mercedes-Benz cargo truck bearing the registration number NR 991 P, which, according to the information available to it, was used for the flight.

A police status report indicated Sergeant Mohamuda with badge no. 37400G "is killed with an AK-47" after sending the CPL Iddrisu Kafando Muntari, badge no. 551484L, with whom he was on duty at the time, bought him a blade of shaving on Saturday, March 23, 2019.

Sgt. Mohamudu's short suicide note said, "I can not stand this shame [about] something that I do not know. "

He was found "lying on his back in a pool of blood, dead, the rifle by the legs".

His remains were transported to the Morgue Police Hospital in Accra for storage and autopsy.


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