Pique had a free kick … and that's hit the bar


It is not normal for Gérard Piqué to be take free kicksbut that's exactly what he did against Venezuela when he played a rare match for his native Catalonia. On 36 minutes his luck has come, and went.

He aimed with his right foot, getting a fair amount of power on the ball, but could not bring him back soon enough for that he enters. The goal would surely have failed in the legend of Catalonia. The rear center is known to mark other types of goalshowever, having scored a figure with his head for Spain and Barcelona.

Pique has been removed six minutes in the second half, leaving the field replaced by Riqui Puig, the young defender of Barcelona. He had a big smile on his face at the time of his departure, his happiness seemed well placed while Catalonia lost 2-1.

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