Forestry to monitor forests with drones


Mr. Kwadwo Owusu-Afriyie informed the journalists at the conference. On his right, Mr. John Allotey. Image: Maxwell Ocloo

Mr. Kwadwo Owusu-Afriyie informed the journalists at the conference. On his right, Mr. John Allotey. Image: Maxwell Ocloo

The Forestry Commission plans to use drones to help combat illegal logging and protect against possible climate impacts.

The commission indicated that the activities of forest crime offenders had become increasingly sophisticated and complex and that it had therefore become necessary for the commission to take advantage of the technology to deal with the situation.

Speaking in Accra last Thursday on the occasion of the launch of International Day of Forests, Commission President and Chief Executive Officer Kwadwo Owusu-Afriyie said drones had become necessary to gain access. easily to forests and move over a larger period and reconcile information in real time.

"This is an area in which we have identified that if we invest, it will help us.

Our staff is under intensive training, while we are working with the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources to find funds for the purchase of drones, "he said.

International Day of Forests

Although this day is celebrated every year around the world on March 21st to raise awareness of the importance of all kinds of trees and woodlands, Ghana will commemorate it with the eighth Forestry Week and the Day. Greening Ghana, which will take place in the capital Ahafo region, Sunyani, from 10 to 14 June.

This year's celebration is called "Forest and Education, Our Responsibility" and focuses on the role of trees in mitigating the effects of climate change and the positive effects of climate change. urban green spaces, among other topics.

Mr. Owusu-Afriyie explained that "drones will not replace human beings but will complement their efforts.

If we talk about problems such as bushfires and other disasters, some of them will be seen in real time even before our men go there and that will prevent the situation from escalating. "


Mr. Owusu-Afriyie said that the Commission had made a lot of progress in its "Young Afforestation" program, despite the almost daily challenges of deforestation, illegal logging and burning, among others.

"We were able to plant 10 million trees to cover 250,000 hectares compared to last year although we did not start early.

This year, we will begin as soon as possible to go beyond this success and we will extend it to schools, "he said.

He called on the public to be keenly interested in planting trees in order to protect their communities and the country in general.


Vice-Chair of the commission, Mr. John Allotey, spoke of the negative impact of the destruction of forests on human existence and urged the perpetrators to give up the law.

"What you can do to help the work of the Commission is to report these perpetrators so that they are brought to justice to dissuade other people from engaging in the same thing", a- he declared.

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