Tumu Kuoro awards "Nandon-Tengeh" to President Akufo-Addo | General news


The chiefs and residents of the traditional Tumu region awarded Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo the title of "Nandon-Tengeh" in recognition of his love for Tumu in particular and Sissala in general.

This year, at the Paari Gbielle Festival of Traditional Tumu Chiefs and People, celebrated by President Akufo-Addo, Tumu Kuoro, Richard Kanton Babini Kanton, has awarded the President the title of "Nandon-Tengeh".

He stated that, during the short time since the President was in office, he had demonstrated beyond a reasonable doubt that he was committed to the Sissala region.

"You have always paid attention to our invitation to celebrate the apogee of the Paari Gbielle Festival with dignified representatives," he said.
"Today, you are the first president in office to celebrate the culmination of the Paari Gbielle Festival."

Kuoro Township called on the president to use the Bolgatanga-Tumu-Wa road to strengthen economic activities in the region.
The Sissala region is the food basket of the Upper West region, but the road network connecting communities to Tumu is the poorest in the region.

"Many communities do not have access roads and the few roads are in poor condition. Bridges and culverts in ruins make travel very dangerous, he said.

Kuoro Township has appealed for the rehabilitation of the Tumu-Chinchan-Nabugubelle and Tumu-Ping-Tasor roads.

He added that the Bujan Bridge, built a few years ago but not yet completed, had become a hiding place for armed robbers who terrorize travelers on this road.

He added that upgrading the customs barrier to comply with international standards would generate revenue for the country's development.
President Akufo-Addo, for his part, expressed his gratitude to the leaders and the people for the honor he was given.

He said: "The meaning of the title; "A reliable friend" makes me a reliable friend of the Sissala and a reliable friend for all Ghanaians ".

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