Ghana and Denmark sign strategic cooperation in the maritime sector


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The Danish Maritime Authority has chosen Ghana as the safest maritime regime in West Africa. This was announced when the Danish Maritime Authority signed a memorandum of understanding with the Ghana Maritime Authority (GMA).

The Memorandum of Understanding, which marks the second phase of maritime collaboration between Ghana and Denmark, will further strengthen electronic navigation in Ghana and support the implementation of international maritime regulations.

"We are delighted to have so much to gain from maritime cooperation between Denmark and Ghana. Through continued cooperation, we will work even more closely together, especially when Ghana will be our preferred partner in West Africa, "said Andreas Nordseth, Director General of the Danish Maritime Authority during the meeting. of the signing ceremony.

Ghana's first speaker on electronic navigation

In 2017, Ghana was the first in Africa and the fifth in the world to pilot an electronic navigation platform as a result of the initial collaboration.

"We have come a long way in improving our compliance with international marine regulations. In addition, the electronic navigation platform is revolutionary for making navigation in Ghanaian waters safer, for example. disseminate maritime safety information in digital and real-time form, "said Thomas Kofi Alonsi, General Manager of the Ghana Maritime Authority.

In the years to come, the platform will be further improved by updating the Lake Volta map with three submerged strains making more accessible areas of the lake more accessible.

Improve the blue economy in Ghana

Ghana is one of the first countries in the region to comply with international regulations. This collaboration will allow Ghana to maintain a leading position.

As part of the collaboration, four tugboat captains in total from the GPHA will improve their qualification by using simulators capable of resembling the new Tema port terminal and the much larger vessels calling at it.

"Ghana is a long-standing partner country of Denmark and a major maritime center of West Africa. The continuation of this maritime collaboration will strengthen the capacity of the new Tema Port Terminal and strengthen the ties between our two countries, "said Tove Degnbol, Danish Ambbadador to Ghana, at the signing ceremony.

Ghana and Denmark engage in maritime cooperation until 2021.

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