Trump renews bid to dismantle Obamacare after Mueller victory – news live | American News


Supreme Court authorizes blocking of shares

Today, the Trump administration's ban on anti-storage devices, allowing semi-automatic weapons to fire like machine guns, has taken effect.

Firearms advocacy groups have asked the Supreme Court to block the ban so that mbad inventory sales continue to continue.

Until now, the judges of the Supreme Court have refused to end the ban.

Chief Justice John Roberts declined the court's invitation Tuesday, according to the AP. A second motion is pending before Judge Sonia Sotomayor.

Trump sought to ban bump stocks after their use during the 2017 Las Vegas shootout, which claimed the lives of 58 people.

Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi told the Democrats that she did not understand what Attorney General William Barr said about the Mueller report, CNN political reporter Manu Raju said.

Manu Raju

Pelosi to reporters: "The indictment is not on the table until it is on the table. So, it's not a question of that – it's not about it – it's about doing our job. Today we are introducing our health care bill, tomorrow we will do climate change. We are on our agenda. "

March 26, 2019

Last night, Pelosi celebrated his 79th birthday with Barack Obama at an event reserved for first-year Democrats.

Sabrina Siddiqui

Written from Washington, Guardian Political Reporter Sabrina Siddiqui reports that everything The Democrats have received a political coup from Barr's letter about the Mueller report. They also indicated that the legal and political lines of force were far from being resolved:

Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi has repeatedly poured cold water on what many Democrats have called "a word of order", leaving it to voters to vote for Trump's fate. in the 2020 ballot.

Some strategists said the initial reading of the Mueller report may have eased the burden of dismissal from the shoulders of Democrats, allowing them to focus instead on a political contrast with Trump while he wanted to be re-elected next year.

"I think the Democrats should let the investigations continue while focusing on the rest of their legislative agenda," said Jim Manley, a Democratic strategist who served as aide to the former Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid.

"It's pretty clear that the impeachment is not in the cards, at least not now."

To overthrow Trump, Democrats would not only need a majority in the House, but also a two-thirds vote in the Republican-led Senate to get the sentence – a result as unlikely as ever, given Trump's widespread support of members of his own party.

Barr's summary is cautioned that Muller was allowed to probe ties with Russia, not just coordination. Barr did not address the previous question in his Sunday summary

Natasha Bertrand

New: Mueller was able to probe the "links" of the campaign with Russia, as well as any "coordination" – which is why his counter-intelligence findings are so essential. "If all we do is apply the criminal standards to the findings of the investigations, we miss the problem."

March 26, 2019

Donald Trump has renewed his attacks on the media today on Twitter, this time calling the mainstream media set "the enemy of the people" and not just the "false news".

Donald J. Trump

Traditional media are under fire and are despised around the world as corrupt and FALSE. For two years, they pushed Illusion Russian collusion when they always knew that there was no collusion. They are really the enemy of the people and the real opposition party!

March 26, 2019

Jim Clyburn, the third Democrat in the House, said the Democrats are much more focused on fighting Obamacare than on Russia after Barr's summary and the Trump government's decision to support a court ruling that invalidated the law. ACA last night.

CNN Politics

Whip House James Clyburn: "I believe the Mueller report was done.This is a chapter that is closed.And I think last night, this administration opened a new chapter by completely canceling the Care Act. affordable "https: //

March 26, 2019

Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina told Axios that he had offered Trump the badurance of rebadurance this weekend after the publication of Barr's summary.

"You are stronger today than any time since your election. It legitimizes your election in the eyes of those who doubt, "Graham told Trump. "It's sort of the first day of a new presidency. What are you going to do with that? How do you use this capital?

Top House Democrat MPs agreed on Monday night that "the caucus must stop talking about collusion with Russia, as it would detract from its legislative agenda."

The Washington Post reports that at a meeting of leaders, a consensus emerged that Democrats should focus on the economic issues that their candidates focused on at mid-term in 2018. However, Democrats will seek to bring William Barr to Capitol Hill and question him on his decision not to sue for trump justice against Trump.

Even after the summary of the Mueller report by William Barr, many personalities of the Internet are not discouraged.

The Daily Beast reports that some still insist that they be sealed indictments showing Russian collusion that has not been mentioned. Others, including the author of a children's book that ends with "a man without a shirt, Mueller, holding Trump accountable," simply hope that the full report will be published.


The Trump administration announced last night that it officially supported the decision of a lower court judge who would dismiss the entire Affordable Care Act. The Supreme Court will hear whether the party gerrymanders are unconstitutional and the House will vote to overturn Trump's veto on legislation that has blocked his national emergency.

It's Tuesday in American politics.


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