Ryanair monitors British Airways mistakes and turns against him


Ryanair tweet


A tweet from Ryanair sparked many reactions on Twitter

Ryanair tried to make fun of British Airways on Twitter after a mistaken flight to Edinburgh instead of Düsseldorf which turned against him.

From Ryanair official Twitter account says there was a "gift" for BA – a copy of Geography for Dummies.

But Twitter users have made a number of book suggestions that Ryanair could read, including "Customer Service for Dummies".

In January, Ryanair was again named the UK's least popular short-haul airline.

On Monday, a British Airways flight supposed to travel to Germany had landed in Scotland after using the wrong flight plan.

Ryanair took BA in a tweet this afternoon with the suggested readings.

But Twitter users quickly returned with book suggestions to conquer the low-cost airline, including "Employment Law for Dummies".

In 2018, Ryanair was forced to cancel hundreds of flights as a result of a strike by pilots and staff who complained of conditions.

The strikes disrupted tens of thousands of pbadengers.

In December 2018, the Civil Aviation Authority sued Ryanair after it refused to pay compensation to pbadengers for canceled and delayed flights.

Deflected flights

Another commentator, Richard Spaven, referred to a story in The Independent on January 6 about a Ryanair flight to Thessaloniki, Greece.

The flight was diverted to more than 500 miles from Timisoara, in northwestern Romania. The pbadengers were then offered a means of transport in an "old bus" to complete the journey, which many refused, reported the Independent.

Finally, the Greek government sent a plane to fly the remaining pbadengers.

Many Twitter users made fun of Ryanair about its usual flights to airports far from the supposed destination, for example to Beauvais, located more than 50 km north of Paris, instead of an airport closer to the airport. French capital.

Wayne Kavanagh, a Twitter user, asked Ryanair how much she charged the book to BA "because you do not give it for free," a reference to Ryanair's custom of charging customers an extra charge, for example to print out credit cards. # 39; boarding.

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The BA aircraft went to Edinburgh rather than to Düsseldorf

In January, Ryanair was named the sixth consecutive year of the UK's lowest-rated short-haul airline, following a survey by the Which? Consumer group.

Pbadengers are not impressed by the collective action, the boarding process, the comfort of the seats, the food and beverages and the environment of the cabin, said the group of consumers.

At the time, Ryanair had stated that the number of pbadengers had increased by 80% over the last six years, reflecting what people want "much more than an unrepresentative survey of just 8,000 people".

British Airways declined to comment on this story.

Ryanair would not comment.

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