McDonald's will use artificial intelligence to automatically change the driving menus


The system will consider such factors as weather, time, local events, restaurant traffic levels and nearby roads, historical sales data, currently popular items and even what you order to optimize menu displays in driver-controlled windows. It can, for example, promote McFlurry or iced coffee on hot days, or suggest simpler items that are faster to prepare by employees in case of long queue.

McDonald's has tested artificial intelligence at several restaurants last year, said Executive Vice President and General Manager of Information, Daniel Henry. wired it expects more than 1,000 sites to use it in the next three months. The system will eventually reach the 14,000 American restaurants and will be extended to other markets. McDonald's is also considering integrating artificial intelligence at online order kiosks and its mobile app, as well as perhaps other activities, such as kitchens.

Dynamic Yield will still work as an independent company. Current customers include Ikea, Sephora and Urban Outfitters. The potential applications of its new parent company are, however, particularly intriguing. For example, Henry said the company could possibly use license plate recognition as part of the system. In this way, artificial intelligence could identify your car and customize the menu according to the history of your purchases.

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