Second Lady Samira calls for investing in women entrepreneurs


Kodjo Adams, RNG

Accra, March 26, GNA –
The second lady, Samira Bawumia, said investing in women's entrepreneurship
multiplier effects on the socio-economic growth of the country.

She said that women were
engaged in a variety of economic activities that have resulted in
growth, calling for a concerted effort to focus on their contributions
acceleration of inclusive growth in the country.

The second lady said
Tuesday in Accra at the launch of the report "Enjoying Parity:
Unlocking the potential of women's businesses in Africa ", led by the World
Group of the bank.

"An educated woman is
more likely to have a safe delivery with better chances of having a
prosperous family ".

Empower women
According to the second lady, entrepreneurs have contributed to the smartest economies in the world.
today's strategic development.

"Entrepreneurship is
indispensable for the development of each country, its economic growth and the creation of jobs.
Without entrepreneurship, there would be little innovation and productivity,
she added.

Ms. Bawumia stated that the
Sub-Saharan Africa has the highest rate of entrepreneurship in the world with
about 42% of the non-farm labor force clbadified as
self-employed and employers.

"As a result of this
phenomenon, most entrepreneurs are unable to expand their business beyond small businesses.
of large-scale subsistence, which hampers their contribution to the fight against poverty
reduction and shared prosperity ".

The World Bank report,
nearly 50% of women in the non-farm labor force
were entrepreneurs. The 2012 World Bank report indicated that women were the most
third emerging market after China and India.

Ghana's statistics
Service estimates that women make up about 50.5% of the workforce.

However, in Ghana,
about 80% of women are engaged in various economic activities and
mainly in small and medium-sized enterprises in the economy.

The second lady said
Sustainable Development Goal 5; aimed at achieving gender equality and
Empower all women and girls by 2030, adding that women and men have equal rights.
opportunity to shape their own lives and contribute to increased productivity
and better development results.

Ms. Bawumia told women
faces many challenges and has had to face many constraints in the pursuit of
economic and entrepreneurial empowerment, including lower levels of education,
financial illiteracy and lower income levels.

She stated that
Government has reaffirmed its continued support for the promotion of the status of women in
the country, adding that the Ministry of Enterprise Development through the
Women and the entrepreneurship program have so far allocated 10 million GH ¢ to
support women's entrepreneurship

The report focuses on
the challenges facing African women entrepreneurs and identifies

He offers the policy
decision makers evidence-based advice on designing programs to target multiple
obstacles and improve the performance of women entrepreneurs.

The report calls
African government must target key policy areas to help empower women


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