Former NBA star Kris Humphries announces short marriage with Kim Kardashian


For Kris Humphries, hell took the form of a 72-day wedding with Kim Kardashian.

The two married in front of an E! The cameramans retransmitting their ceremony to the world after less than a year of meetings in May 2011.

In October of the same year, Kardashian filed for divorce.

"I should have known what I was getting into," Humphries wrote in an article for the players' platform.

"It's never easy to go through the embarrbadment of something like this – with your friends, with your family … But when it's happening so publicly, in front of the world, it's not easy. is a whole other level – it was brutal. "

Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries were married in 2011. Photo / Getty Images
Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries were married in 2011. Photo / Getty Images

Humphries detailed the mental problems he faced during and after the wedding, noting that he had had days where he did not want to be himself amid the gossip of tabloid magazines against which he thought he was not to be able to win.

"I was really naive about the fact that my life was going to change, but what really bothers me is when people say that my marriage is wrong," he says.

"There are certainly a lot of things in this world that are not quite real, but our real relationship was 100% real when it was clear that it was not working … what can I say "It's zero."

Life in the spotlight drew a lot of unwanted attention on Humphries, who began to discover that crowds would hoot him at basketball games.

"I thought," Why are they exactly booing me? Is it just because I'm this guy on TV? Do they think I was trying to be famous? & # 39;

"The last one killed me, because all I always wanted to be known, was basketball."

The striker played for eight teams in his 13-year career in the NBA, having been drafted with the 14th overall pick in the 2004 draft.

Kim Kardashian leaves her 2013 divorce hearing, surrounded by security. Photo / Getty Images
Kim Kardashian leaves her 2013 divorce hearing, surrounded by security. Photo / Getty Images

After developing anxiety, especially in large crowds, Humphries said the support of his inner circle and the love of the game had let him go.

"I did not want to leave my house, you have the impression … I do not know … the whole world hates you, but they do not even know why, they do not even know you at all. your face, and they are on you, "he shared.

"Honestly, the game is the only thing that has allowed me to cross it – the game and my family."

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