Xi and Macron agree to forge stronger partnership between China and France


PARIS, March 26 (Xinhua / GNA) – Chinese
President Xi Jinping and his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron on Monday
agreed to continue the high-level relations between the two countries and to forge
a solid, stable and dynamic global strategic strategy between China and France
partnership on a new starting point in history.

The consensus was reached during the discussions
between Xi and Macron at the Elysee in Paris.

Xi said that big changes have occurred in
the international situation, but Sino-French relations have always kept
develop at a high level and in a healthy and stable manner.

He said that since President Macron had taken
office, bilateral relations reached a new high in just under two years,
with many new results obtained.

This year is a special commemoration
meaning, because it marks the 55th anniversary of Sino-French diplomatic relations,
the hundredth anniversary of the Chinese studies movement in France, and also
the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, Xi
I said.

"Knowing the past can help people judge
today and get better, "he said.

The world rarely undergoes major changes
seen for a century and humanity at the crossroads, and for China, France
and in Europe, they are also reaching a critical stage of development, the Chinese
the president said.

"China is willing to work with France to
inherit the past and create the future, enable our loved ones and enduring
global strategic partnership to continue to lead the way and do more
historic contributions to the construction of an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful
world that enjoys lasting peace, universal security and
prosperity, "said Xi.

The Chinese president proposed that for
develop relations between China and France in a rational way, both
countries should have mutual political trust, practical cooperation and
friendly feelings between the two peoples.

"In the new situation, both sides
should do a lot better in these three aspects and continue to explore the
for large countries to hear, which should include
independence, mutual understanding, foresight, mutual benefit and win-win
the results, "said Xi.

"In politics, we should not just build a
a "dam" of mutual trust, but also a "beacon" of ideal, "he said.

He suggested that the two countries deepen
communication and exchange at all levels and at different levels, fully
take advantage of the roles of all institutional dialogues and increase exchanges
between governments, legislatures, political parties and armed forces.

Both parties must insist on respecting and
reconcile the fundamental interests and major concerns of each, seek harmony in
and seek common ground while reserving differences, Xi said.

He urged both countries to strengthen
cooperation in the framework of the United Nations (UN), the Group of 20 and other
multilateral frameworks, lobby for the implementation of the Paris Agreement on
climate and the sustainable development agenda by 2030, take concrete steps
measures to protect the multilateral trading system and to respect fundamental standards
governing international relations on the basis of objectives and principles
of the United Nations Charter.

On practical cooperation between China and
France, Xi said that the two countries should not only explore the "source of
water flowing "on the market, but also facilitate the" river
channels "in the policies.

Both sides should deepen their cooperation
nuclear energy, aviation, aerospace and other traditional sectors, and accelerate
cooperation in emerging areas, including science and technology
innovation, agriculture, finance and elder care, Xi said.

President Macron has repeatedly
expressed willingness to conduct practical cooperation with China on
the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), which China appreciates, said Xi, adding that
that both parties must seriously implement the BIS demonstration
projects in third markets.

He asked the two countries to provide more
support and convenience for bilateral trade and investment. Noting that China
recently approved its foreign investment law, Xi promised that the country
continue to significantly ease market access, optimize the business environment,
strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights and create a new model of
high level opening.

"We invite more French companies to
invest and expand in China, and meanwhile we hope that the French part
offers fair, open and non-discriminatory treatment to Chinese companies
invest in France, "said Xi.

On interpersonal exchanges and cultural exchanges, Xi
called for strengthening both intergovernmental cooperation and non-governmental organizations.

Both countries should make full use of
A high-level people-to-people exchange mechanism between China and France and between China and France;
to promote cooperation in the fields of culture, tourism, languages, young people and at local level,
he said.

Xi also asked the two countries of good
organize the commemorative activities of the 55th anniversary of China-France
diplomatic relations and the centenary of the Chinese study and labor movement in
In France, and organize a year of culture and tourism in their respective countries in 2021.

Appeal to China and the European Union (EU) two
The forces, markets and major civilizations of the world today, said Xi
attaches importance to the strategic status and role of Europe and has always
deepen relations between China and the EU as a diplomatic priority.

China helps France to continue playing a role
leading role in the process of unifying Europe for self-improvement, and hopes
France exerts a more positive influence in promoting Sino-European relations, Xi
I said.

The Chinese president also urged both parties to
accelerate negotiations on a China-EU investment treaty and launch a
joint feasibility study on the China-EU Free Trade Agreement at an early date.

Macron said that since France and China forged
diplomatic relations 55 years ago, the two sides have always respected each other
on the other hand, which allowed them to conduct extensive and productive cooperation.

Noting that the keynote address of France-China
global strategic partnership is cooperation, the French president
congratulated his country on the People's Republic of China for
its enormous achievements since its founding 70 years ago, and said that France is
committed to being the reliable and badured strategic partner of China, and is
ready to join forces with China to build a balanced, stable, secure and
prosperous world.

France has full confidence in the future of
French-Chinese relations, Macron said, pledge to strengthen cooperation with China
aerospace, aerospace, nuclear energy, agriculture, finance,
scientific research, automotive manufacturing and elder care, and
The "Industry of the Future" initiative of France with Made in China 2025.

France is ready to participate actively in
the second Road and Belt Forum for International Cooperation and the second
China International Export (CIIE), said Macron, adding that his country
actively supports the promotion of bilateral exchanges and cooperation in the field of education,
cultural, sports, tourism, military and defense affairs.

Congratulating the Chinese leader
role in the fight against climate change and multilateral affairs such as peacekeeping,
Macron stressed that France considers protectionism unacceptable.

France and China have a lot in common
in international affairs and have maintained close communication and
coordination, he said.

France and China, as well as the EU and China,
can work together to advance the global agenda and improve global governance
system, and protecting multilateralism and free trade, he added.

The French president is also committed to actively
progress in EU-China cooperation relations, saying that his country believes that
the EU connectivity strategy and the BIS should be linked to each other.

After their interviews, the two leaders witnessed
exchange of bilateral cooperation documents including third markets
cooperation and met the press together.

Macron organized a big welcome ceremony for Xi to
the Arc de Triomphe before the talks.

Xi arrived in Paris from southern France
Nice city Monday to continue its journey in the country.

Two French fighter planes were escorting Xi's plane
he flew from Nice to Paris.

This is Xi's second state visit to
European country in five years. la France
is the last leg of Xi's European tour in three countries, which has already led
in Italy and Monaco.


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