The President of Comoros Azali re-elected during a landslide


Azali Assoumani organized the poll after the Comorians voted in a referendum, boycotted by the opposition, in favor of extending the presidential term of office from five years to two. By GIANLUIGI GUERCIA (AFP)

Azali Assoumani organized the poll after the Comorians voted in a referendum, boycotted by the opposition, in favor of extending the presidential term of office from five years to two. By GIANLUIGI GUERCIA (AFP)

Comoran President Azali Assoumani was re-elected Tuesday by a landslide, according to the results published by the electoral commission, in a poll that caused divisions and caused tensions and accusations of fraud on the part of the opposition. in the archipelago of the Indian Ocean.

Azali, who took office for the first time in 2016, earned 60.77% of the vote after Sunday's election, far ahead of his closest rival, Mahamoudou Ahamada, who reaped only 14 , 62% of the results.

The 66-year-old president was tipped to return to power in the island nation of 800,000, one of the poorest and most volatile states in the world.

The count was tainted with tension and authorities violently dispersed Monday an opposition demonstration.

Azali was credited with 60.77% of the vote after Sunday's election. By GIANLUIGI GUERCIA (AFP / File) Azali was credited with 60.77% of the vote after Sunday's election. By GIANLUIGI GUERCIA (AFP / File)

Twelve people were injured as police fired tear gas and rubber bullets at opposition candidates and supporters as they were crossing the capital, Moroni, to protest alleged irregularities.

The opposition alleges that the irregularities found Sunday in several polling stations by the electoral commission constitute a "coup d'etat" and call for a "resistance" public.

Ahamada, of the main opposition party Juwa, dismissed the results stating, "We are facing a coup by the military state through a presidential election".

"We call on the international community not to recognize the re-election of Azali."

Police kidnap injured policeman in Monday's clashes. By GIANLUIGI GUERCIA (AFP) Police kidnap injured policeman in Monday's clashes. By GIANLUIGI GUERCIA (AFP)

Some 300,000 voters were eligible in the archipelago of the Indian Ocean, which has a two-round voting system for the election of the president.

Azali's campaign director, Houmed Msaidie, described as "pathetic" allegations of opposition election fraud, accusing them of creating "a climate of panic to invalidate the electoral process".

"If there has been fraud, they should go to the competent authorities," he told AFP.

"We are happy to have won in the first round," said Msaidie.

"Now we will do everything in our power to stabilize the situation and revive economic development, which is the main concern of the people."

Soldiers deployed

The Supreme Court has banned some of Azali's main rivals, including former president Ahmed Abdallah Sambi, accused of corruption, from running for office.

Heavily armed soldiers were deployed Tuesday to several key locations in the capital with the order to prevent unrest.

After the crackdown on Monday's protests, Interior Minister Mohamed "Kiki" Daoudou claimed that Ahamada and his allies "want to create disorder in Moroni".

Map of Comoros Islands. By Kun TIAN (AFP) Map of Comoros Islands. By Kun TIAN (AFP)

"We will do everything necessary to guarantee the peace and stability of the country," he told AFP.

An Electoral Commission official told AFP Sunday that a dozen kiosks had been vandalized during the polls.

These incidents were seized by the opposition, which alleged irregularities in the elections.

At a press conference on Tuesday before the announcement of the results, Ahamada said his party had "totally" rejected the vote.

"The most sensible solution would be to hold elections worthy of a civilized country as quickly as possible," he said.

Observer concerns

The country holds its chairmanship in turn between its islands of Anjouan, Grande Comore and Mohéli.

On the island of Anjouan, mainly hostile to Azali, a native of Grande Comore, the opposition reported numerous irregularities.

Composed of the islands of Anjouan, Grande Comore and Mohéli, the small country has nearly 814 000 inhabitants. By GIANLUIGI GUERCIA (AFP) Composed of the islands of Anjouan, Grande Comore and Mohéli, the small country has nearly 814 000 inhabitants. By GIANLUIGI GUERCIA (AFP)

According to witnesses, several stuffed urns were found on the island.

Some observers from the opposition polling stations were also prevented from performing their duties, they added.

Official observers also criticized the polls.

"We (condemn) the incidents we witnessed that prevented voters from exercising their civil rights in conditions of calm," said a joint statement released by observers from the African Union. , Comesa and East Africa and the Force waiting for East Africa.

There have been more than 20 attempts to seize power or succeed in the predominantly Muslim nation since the independence of France in 1975.

Azali organized the poll after the referendum organized by the Comorans, boycotted by the opposition, in favor of extending the presidential term alternating from a five-year term to two years.

The change upset the fragile balance of power established in 2001, aimed at ending the separatist crises in Anjouan and Moheli and ending the cycle of coups d'état.

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