The tension in Talensi as the group questions a mining group led by "drug barons"


Regional News from Tuesday, March 26, 2019



Gbane Mine The group alleges that the directors of the mining company have a criminal record

According to civil society, the loss of lives and property in the Gbane mining community in the Talensi region in the Upper East region is expected to worsen in the coming days, with some individuals and groups preparing acts of "disorder through acts of militancy and war".

Describing the situation as volatile, the Northern Patriotes in Research and Advocacy (NORPRA), a civil society organization, calls on the government to intervene.

In a statement issued Monday, NORPRA requests a thorough investigation into the activities of Cbadius Mining Limited.

He alleges that the directors of the mining company have a criminal record, which is contrary to the laws of Ghana.

He mentioned directors such as Radwin Elhbadan, Anthony Upul Samantha, Anthony Joseph Karam and James Arkoudis as having a serious criminal record.

"During a cross-check, NORPRA determined that as of May 10, 2016, these very names of Australian nationals were identical to those that appeared in the official records of the Registrar-General's Department of Ghana as Directors. of Cbadius Mining Limited.

"Surprisingly, our last check dated March 5, 2019 showed that some of these names were replaced as directors and became shareholders of Cbadius Mining Ltd," says statement signed by NORPRA Bismark's Executive Director, Adongo Ayorogo.

NORPRA asks the government to determine the extent to which due diligence has been applied to the registration of the company and "to apply, where appropriate, sanctions to individuals and organizations that may be judged. guilty. "

He observes that crime has increased in the community and may be due to the activities of thugs in the area.

"By this statement, NORPRA therefore calls on the government to urgently investigate and preserve the mining community from the likely influence of those people who would have been convicted by courts competent for drug crimes a great deal. ;other. "

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