Isabella Cruise reveals her role in Scientology


Isabella Cruise talks about Scientology in a letter shared with church members.

The 26 year old daughter of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman wrote a letter about his training to become an auditor within the London branch of the organization of the Church of Scientology, claiming that it was "exactly what I needed" ".

"That's what I was looking for. The missing piece. Suddenly everything started to make sense, " Bella written in the letter sent to Tony OrtegaThe blog of The Underground Bunker.

A listener within the church is largely trained to help other members through intense self-examination sessions using the electronic counter.

"Thanks to my father for everything" Bella written about At M who is a high ranking Scientologist. "I would have drowned in my own problems if you had not been there for supper [sic] me or pbad the preliminaries. It took a whole family and an org to bring me here.

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