Lazarus hacker group, supported by North Korea, continues to target crypto


According to the latest update from the cybersecurity and anti-virus company Kaspersky Lab, the Lazarus cybercrime group continues to adopt new tactics to try to hack cryptocurrencies.

A new report from cybersecurity company and anti-virus Kaspersky Lab revealed that the alleged group of cybercrime supported by North Korea, Lazarus, still targets cryptocurrencies.

"This is not news for anyone who follows the cybermenace intelligence that the Lazarus APT group targets financial entities, especially cryptocurrency trades. Financial gain remains one of Lazarus' main goals, with tactics, techniques and procedures constantly evolving to avoid detections, "the report says.

Kaspersky Lab points out that the hacker group Lazarus has continued to target cryptocurrency with a new operation since last November, in which hackers use PowerShell which allows them to manage and control Windows and MacOS malware.

& # 39; They developed custom PowerShell scripts that communicate with malicious C2 servers and execute operator commands. The C2 server script names are disguised as WordPress files (popular blog engine) as well as those of other popular open source projects.

Kaspersky urges traders and investors in cryptography to be extremely cautious.

& # 39; If you are part of the booming cryptocurrency or technology startup sector, be very careful when dealing with new third parties or installing software on your systems. Never "Enable Content" (Macro Script) in Microsoft Office Documents Received from New or Unapproved Sources … "

Read more: The Ryuk ransomware program totals more than 705 BTC in five months

In December of last year, Chepicap reported that while the cryptocurrency exchanges are continually improving their security measures, the North Korean hacker group has launched more than one. thirty victims since April 2018.

Much of last year's cryptocurrency-related security breaches were perpetrated by the hacker group Lazaru, which may be raising money to help the state deal with international sanctions . This group of hackers alone could be responsible for nearly half of all exchange hacks since the beginning of 2017.

North Korea has stolen cryptocurrencies to evade sanctions, according to a panel of the UN: #North Korea #Hack

– Chepicap (@ Chepicap) March 8, 2019

In October, Chepicap announced that the same group had stolen $ 571 million of crypto.

The biggest attack attributed to North Korean pirates sponsored by the state focused on the Japanese coincheck trading system. At the height of the cryptocurrency bull market and around the time of the Bitcoin ATH price, Lazarus stole NEM for the exchange worth $ 534 million. Lazarus was also apparently blamed for the Bithumb exchange piracy in South Korea this year, stealing $ 32 million in a number of different crypts.

Read more: Lazarus, the most prolific hacking group in North Korea, stole $ 571 million

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