GHA proposes an amendment to the Tourism Development Fund


Dr. Edward Ackah-Nyamike Jnr

Dr. Edward Ackah-Nyamike Jnr

The President of the Ghana Hotel Association (GHA), Mr. Edward Ackah-Nyamike Jnr, has proposed the amendment of the 2011 Tourism Law to ensure the effective use of the Development Fund of Ghana. tourism.

He advocated for transparent management of the fund in order to benefit and support the activities of all parts of the tourism industry – public and private sectors.

"This call will involve the amendment of the GTA Act. In the short term, I will ask the department to ensure that each fund objective is pursued without bias. "

"We want the fund to directly benefit the private sector in the same way that the Greater Toronto Area also uses it to directly support their business," he told GRAPHIC BUSINESS on March 22.

He therefore invited the Minister for Tourism, Arts and Culture, Barbara Oteng-Gyasi, to take a critical look at the Tourism Development Fund in the first 100 days of her term.

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Fair allocation

According to Dr. Ackah-Nyamike Jnr, although the board of directors of the Tourism Development Fund is made up of representatives of the GTA, public agencies and the private sector, the proceeds of this fund will not be used. was not evenly distributed.

"The Tourism Development Fund is more public-sector led to the detriment of the private sector because, even though the board includes representatives of the GTA, public agencies and the private sector, part of the revenue is used for the initiatives of the GTA, "he said.

This, he attributed to the fact that the fund was controlled by the GTA, a key regulator of the tourism industry in Ghana.

He added that it was necessary to review the functions and performance of a board of directors set up by the Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) regarding the payment of funds from the fund.


He also urged Ms. Oteng-Gyasi, among others, to promote the cause of promoting Ghana's status as a hub for meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions (MICE).

"The Minister should review Ghana's status as a destination for meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions (MICE) and develop a master plan on how to make Ghana a preferred destination for MICE," he said. he declared.

New Minister of Tourism

Barbara Oteng -Gyasi replaces Catherine Abelema Afeku as Minister Designate for Tourism, Arts and Culture after President Akkufo Addo embarked on a cabinet reshuffle on 28 February.

She appeared before the Parliamentary Nominating Committee on March 15.

Prior to her appointment to the new office, she was Deputy Minister of Lands and Natural Resources.

She is also a member of the constituency of Prestea Huni Valley in the western region of Ghana.

About GHA

The Ghana Hotel Association (GHA), established in 1975, is one of the most dynamic trade badociations in Ghana's tourism industry and is a member of the Ghana Tourism Federation (GHATOF).

The GHA includes a total of 1,150 registered hotels.

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