Global carbon emissions set records in 2018


Getty / Chung Sung-Jun / Staff

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A new report from the International Energy Agency shows that global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions have increased by 1.7% compared to 2017, reaching 33.1 gigatons , the highest level ever recorded (Science).

This is the second increase in two years since the signing of the Paris climate agreement. Its goal of reducing emissions by 26% by 2025 seems worrying. The IEA reports that China, the United States and India were both responsible for 85% of the increase and 70% of global energy demand.

European politicians voted for the adoption of Article 13 – requiring Web services to ensure that their users do not infringe copyright when downloading content – and Article 11 as part of Radical Changes to Online Copyright Law (WIRED). A vote on the debate on the amendments – including an amendment to delete Article 13 and Article 11 "Liaison Fee" from the wider copyright legislation – was rejected by only five votes. EU Member States now have two years to adopt their own laws implementing the Copyright Directive.

The EU has responded to US requests that its allies should ban Huawei's equipment from their infrastructure by making new recommendations focusing on the role of security testing and badessments. risks at the national level (The Register). It allows countries like the United Kingdom and Germany, each of which have their own hardware risk badessment system of the Chinese telecom giant, independence, and states that the EU does not consider Huawei as the great threat exposed by the US government. be.

Google has announced the creation of a new external advisory group that will help illuminate its future policy on the use and development of artificial intelligence (VentureBeat). The External Advisory Council on Advanced Technologies (ATEAC) is composed of experts, including the specialist in applied and computer mathematics, Bubacarr Bah, the unmanned systems engineer and the drone manufacturer's CEO Trumbull Unmanned. , by Dyan Gibbens and the artificial intelligence ethicist Joanna Bryson.

Asus has announced the sending of a real security update to protect users against malware sent via its software update system (The Verge). It also invites Asus hardware users to download and run a diagnostic tool to determine if their systems are part of the 1 million affected, while minimizing the risk to consumers, as the malware targeted 600 specific systems while remaining inactive in the background. other infected systems.

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