Royal News: Prince Harry's Shocking Joke on Queen, Philip and Charles | Royal | New


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are now married and look forward to the arrival of their baby royal next year. Their spectacular marriage in May 2018 consolidated the positions of the Duke and Duchess of Susbad as members of the Royal Family, alongside Prince William and Kate Middleton, Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Although his role as husband and father becomes a little more mature, Prince Harry is still well known for his cheeky sense of humor and his love of jokes.

The royal author, Katie Nicholl, in her 2010 biography "Harry and William", recalls a joke that Harry made to his grandmother the queen and that gave a help "the shock of his life".

Mrs. Nicholl writes, "Harry had always been the most boring of the two princes and even [the Queen] had been at the reception of his pranks.

"One Christmas, she received a cell phone and asked Harry to activate a standard greeting.

"Harry insisted on recording a personalized message."

She claims that Harry's message ran, "Hey, Wbadup? That's Liz!

"Sorry I'm far from the throne. For a direct line to Philip, dial 1, Charles 2, and corgis 3. "

She adds that there were also "grunts of joy from William who could be heard chuckling in the background".

Mrs. Nicholl continued: "The Queen has been informed of the hoax that her private secretary, Robin Janvrin, has called and" had the shock of his life, "according to an badistant.

The royal family traditionally spends Christmas in Sandringham, although Mrs. Nicholl does not know where Harry recorded the message.

Harry had also had an insolent surprise at the royal wedding of Kate and William in 2011, when a worm toy that he had brought to entertain the little bridesmaids and the page-keepers managed to get himself to clear a path in official wedding portraits.

However, his girlfriend at the time, Chelsy Davy, had her get rid of a particularly risky allusion to "Kate's killer legs" in the speech of her best man.

In the end, Mrs. Nicholl writes how her talk of the big day was so "touching" that Kate shed a tear.

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