NDC fires: Yammin police "fight" for bail of three "Hawks" on remand


Policy of Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Source: mynewsgh.com


JOSEPH YAMIN INSULTS Former Assistant Regional Minister of Ashanti, Joseph Yammin

Founder and banker of the pro-national Democratic Congressional (NDC) militia, "The Hawks", Joseph Yammin unworthy of what he calls an "opposition" to bail by the command of the Ashanti regional police for three group members who were arrested in connection with the shooting incident at the regional secretariat of the Ashanti party that cost a life on Feb. 18, according to MyNewsGh.com.

The three, Dauda Ibrahim aka Wayo, 40; Agyin Samuel aka Rock, 32, and Abdul Ganiyu, aka Petit 37, charged with conspiracy to commit murder, have been on remand since March 4, after going to the police on March 1, when their names were found on a list of 13 suspects been linked to the crime.

The Asokwa District Court, chaired by His Worship Abbad Mohammed, twice repeated the provisional release of the accused on March 4 and March 14, and placed them in custody for the first time. security reasons. to be involved in the incident.

Police prosecutor ACP Okyere Darko also said on both occasions that releasing defendants on bail would hamper police investigations.

Speaking on Angel Fm, based in Kumasi and monitored by MyNewsGh.com, the former deputy minister of the Ashanti Region said that he was surprised that the police still maintain people who had no connection with the crime and opposed a bail.

"One thing worries me; you see these boys who were caged, the police refuse their bail and that worries me so much, the boys have no connection with the murder, so why are they in prison cell? police at the present time, "he told Kwame Tanko, host of Angel Fm

He stated that it was common knowledge that one particular person had pulled the trigger and that there was no evidence that he was badisted by anyone who that is, expressing the shock caused by the attitude of the police.

According to him, the three men were not present at the party secretariat at the time of the shooting. he thus gave one to one the route of the place where there were three suspects;

According to Dauda Ibrahim, he is a second NDC deputy organizer for youth in the Old Tafo constituency and is also a member of the Ashanti Regional NDC Security Committee.

He added that Dauda had been invited by the NDC's president for the Ashanti region, Augustus Andrews, and that he had been locked up in the meeting at the time of the shooting.

He added that Agyin Samuel was actually at the secretariat that day, but that he was as far away as Ghana Baptist University College to buy food at the time of the shootings. He therefore has no connection with the incident.

Small, aka Abdul Ganiyu "did not go to any NDC regional office on the day of the incident," said Joseph Yammin.

"They went to court twice and you keep people in cells; we do not know, the police refuse them bail, what attitude is that? ", did he declare.

"We do not understand and these are three people for whom the law allows the release on bail if the case continues".

He lamented the silence of the National Democratic Congress on this matter and said that if he was for nothing, one of the defendants is a party leader in Tafo's constituency and a member of the Regional Security Committee, "but the party is silent, no one speaks about it ".

The three suspects are expected to reappear in court today Wednesday, March 27, 2019.

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