Make your activities work for communities – Deputy Minister


Accra, March 27, GNA
– Mr. Benito Owusu-Bio, Deputy Minister of Lands and Natural Resources,
called on mining companies in the West African sub-region to let communities
in which they work see the benefit of their operations.

He said that is
important because of the potential of the sector to offer development to

Speaking to
Opening session of the Summit of the Federation of Chambers and Mines of ECOWAS (EFEDCOM)
Wednesday in Accra, Mr. Owusu-Bio said that the extractive industry had always
been recognized as having the potential to be an engine and catalyst for

However, he said, the
Africa as a whole, has not witnessed this desire
transformation of the sector despite its significant contribution to the
Stock of minerals of the world.

"West Africa
the subregion is a major producer of minerals; providing about 8 percent of
gold and bauxite of the world. The subregion also produces significant volumes
uranium, diamond, manganese, lead, phosphates and others
development minerals, "he said.

Mr. Owusu-Bio
reiterated the government's commitment to the mining development of the sub-region
General Policy and the Directive on the Harmonization of Guiding Principles and
Policies to ensure sustainable and responsible mining practices that
develop the region.

These regions
initiatives, he adds, would add to the incremental solutions put in place for
provide an environment conducive to responsible mining.

He said questions of
transparency and accountability, coupled with lack of trust on the part of
mining companies and governments were the main factors of acrimony between
these businesses and their host communities.

Mr. Owusu-Bio said
it is necessary to collaborate effectively with all governments
levels, as well as other actors in order to deepen transparency and
the responsibility of the industry for accelerated economic growth and development.

"In Ghana, the government
has a cordial relationship with the Ghana Chamber of Mines and as we
collaborate on a number of policy decisions affecting the sector, let's develop
the horizon to do it further, "he said.

Mr. Owusu-Bio said in
in order to ensure an integrated development and related to the rest of society
the economy, the Ministry has developed a policy framework to deepen the
local content and add value to its products.

He said the country
and the Mining Development Center for Africa (AMDC) work to improve manufacturing
and the supply of mining inputs in the sector.

"The ministry is
develop a comprehensive local content policy and legislative instrument
ensuring that citizens benefit from the entire value chain of the mining industry, "said Owusu-Bio.
I said.

Mr. Kwame Addo-Kufuor,
President of the EFEDCOM General Assembly, said that the integration of the
the mining industry in other sectors of the economy would contribute
rapid industrialization.

He said the industry
welcomes the renewed interest and importance given to local content and the contribution to
value chains of mining companies and urged the government to create
environments to achieve this by reducing the costs of their business activities,
infrastructure improvements and structured support to enable local businesses
operate competitively in the supply of inputs.

"It's all wrong
occur without deliberate political leadership. We urge the government
take seriously into account this often neglected challenge on the supply side
the local content debate, "said Addo-Kufuor.

EFEDCOM's mission is to
Advocate for effective policies to promote sustainable and responsible practices.
mining, using the resources and capabilities of members to meet the needs
of its stakeholders in the community.

With the first four
members, Ghana, Guinea, Nigeria and Burkina Faso, members of the Federation
Côte d'Ivoire and Togo.

The summit is in progress
under the theme: "Advancing Collaboration for the Development of the Mining Industry in
West Africa. "


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