Two people charged in Ghana after the rape of British students | News from the United Kingdom


Two men have been charged with a series of offenses, including rape, for the attack on a group of British schoolgirls and their teacher in Ghana.

The students were traveling near Accra, the capital, on December 8, when armed men burst into their homes. The teenagers and their teacher were badually badaulted and stolen. A security guard was seriously injured by a bullet and attempted to stop the attack.

A Ghanaian national, Ishmael Akyene, is charged with 14 counts of robbery, a rape leader, a leader of conspiracy to rape, a count of possession of money laundering number.

Daniel Akpan, 29, a Nigerian national, faces the same charges, except that he is charged with two counts of rape.

Both men were remanded in Ghana. British and Ghanaian police are looking for a third suspect.

More details soon …

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