GRA rewards Finder publisher as the best media personality on tax issues | General news


The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) honored the editor of the newspaper The Finder, Mr. Elvis Darko, as the best media personality of the year 2018 for his detailed and comprehensive articles on taxation published in the The Finder.

Elvis Darko was honored for playing a central role in disseminating information on tax issues to taxpayers and the general public.

The GRA General Commissioner, Mr. Emmanuel Kofi Nti, presented Mr. Darko with a plaque, a souvenir and a quote to thank him for his recognition.

The quote accompanying the award was: "You have contributed a lot to the definition of the national discourse program on relevant tax issues. Your exemplary way of contacting Ghana Revenue officials for their pre-publication article ensures that all your stories about GRA are fairly balanced. As an authority, we have always relied on you to cover our events and activities. "

He went on to say: "Your in-depth questions during the Authority's discussions with the drafters helped to shed more light on the tax issue. Your editorial role has contributed significantly to the broadening of knowledge on taxation ".

The award was presented as part of the 2018 Special Awards of the Commissioner General to the GRA Personnel and Stakeholder Awards, in recognition of the taxpayers, institutions and individuals who have contributed immensely to the success of the mobilization efforts. the authority's revenue during the reporting period.

The GRA, through the rewards system, also recognized the enormous contributions of taxpayers and business owners who complained about the filing of returns and the payment of tax on due dates.

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