UWR Minister Delivers 442 Motorcycles to Distribute to Members of the Assembly



Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Introducing new motorcycles

news, history, article

Sambiru Duut Elijah, RNG

Wa, March 27, GNA – Mr.
Amidu Chinnia Issahaku, Acting Regional Minister for the Upper West, presented a
total of 442 motorcycles for subsequent distribution to members of the Assembly through the
11 municipal and district bademblies in the region to facilitate their work.

He said the
the purchase of the motorbikes was in accordance with the President's belief that
The effectiveness of the decentralization system in the country is essential to strengthen the
development at the local level.

The purpose of
motorcycles was to give more power to the members of the Assembly so that they could
organize their respective electoral zones and perform their official duties

The Interim Upper West
The Regional Minister recommended to the members of the Assembly to use motorcycles for the
purpose and help bring the government to the doors of the people.

«These 442 motorcycles
costs a lot and it is the state money that the government has invested to make sure that
Members of the Assembly are effective in carrying out their work, "said the
Issahaku said.

He appealed to
Members of the Assembly take good care of motorcycles and use them for the
purpose sought ".

Alhaji Issahaku Tahiru
Moomin, the director general of the Wa municipality and dean of the district chief
Officers (MDCE) of the region with Mr. Karim Topie, presiding member
(PM) for Wa Municipal and the senior PM of the region received the bikes on
on behalf of their colleagues.

Mr. Topie thanked
government to empower them to fulfill their mandate and has committed to
good use of motorcycles.

He said the bikes
would go a long way to improve their work and gave the badurance that they were
work hard to improve the decentralization system.


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