Making the second official language of French Ghana a generational thought – eShun


Animations of Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Source: Nadia Addo


EShun Generational Thought Eshun

EShun, composer and musician, shared her perspective on the government's commitment to make French the second official language of Ghana. The singer had a different opinion from that of her colleague Okyeame Kwame, opposed to the government's decision.

So what are we talking about? Minister of Foreign Affairs Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey announced during Francophonie Week 2019 that the government had decided to adopt French as Ghana's second official language. In summary, according to the minister, the government's decision is to improve regional integration throughout Ghana, particularly in Ghana's neighboring French-speaking countries.

This decision provoked mixed reactions among the people of the nation and two Ghanaian music artists joined the conversation with very different points of view. eShun had a very different view of Okyeame Kwame's statement on social media that creating the second official language of Ghanaian French was "disrespectful of our pride and culture."

In a radio interview that took place last weekend, eShun, questioned on her point of view, said she was "excited" by the move. She explained by citing the example of a trip to Senegal as UNHCR's high-level support for statelessness, where communication has become difficult. French was the language spoken and the translation was not always done immediately, allowing her to draw the conclusion that if she could speak French, communication would have been easier.

She went on to say that the fact that Ghanaians are encouraged to learn French would strengthen their relations and relations with neighboring French-speaking countries and that Kwame Nkrumah's vision for a united Africa could come closer if they spoke a common language among all. the Africans.

EShun, speaking on behalf of the entertainment industry, added that this would give Ghanaian musicians the opportunity to organize and have event promoters make greater use of their services in the future. French speaking countries. "This will help our businessmen and women to do more business among Francophone countries since communication is the key to trade." The actors in Ghana may lack film roles in Francophone countries because of the differences of language." eShun suggested.

The singer disagreed with Okyeame Kwame's stance, saying that he had "gaffed" this time and that, given the evolution of the business world, technology and the world today, it would be preferable that the French language is introduced in the future of Ghana.

It is a conversation that is likely to continue and has many different opinions from one country to another.

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