Attack of hackers on Live Update: Asus reacts


March 27, 2019 –
After the attack of the live update service, Asus has launched a new version of the live update tool. The manufacturer also points out that only a small number of users is concerned.

As recently reported, hackers have manipulated Asus' live update servers to transmit malicious code via the update mechanism – reported Swiss IT Magazine. Asus laptops continuously receive driver and firmware updates via the Live Update Server and the client tool of the same name.

Now, Asus has responded to reports of this attack. According to the message, only a small number of devices have been infected. Customer service contacted the affected users.

There is also a new version 3.6.8 of Live Update Tool that eliminates the bug and includes additional security check mechanisms and new end-to-end encryption. The manufacturer also offers an online diagnostic tool (Caution: Direct Download), which can be used to check potentially infected systems. This only concerns laptops, other Asus devices are not affected.

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