According to the Jamaican Minister of Health, international partnerships are needed to prevent a major zika outbreak on the island


The Minister of Health, Dr. Christopher Tufton, at the national consultation held yesterday, stressed the importance of international partnerships to prevent the Zika epidemic. (Credit: JIS)

Jamaica, Wednesday, March 27, 2019
– Minister of Health Dr.
The international partnerships of Christopher Tuftonsays are necessary and must be
maintained to prevent a major outbreak of Zika virus in Jamaica.

In a national consultation titled "Strengthening Health
Services in the context of Zika in Jamaica, "said yesterday that he was
cross-border collaboration that will help Jamaica better fight the disease.

"The more we are open as
society, the more we travel, the more we exchange people, the more we
all likely, and the more he justifies the need to work together as
partners in all our collective interests, "said Dr. Tufton.

The consultation was funded by the US Agency for
International Development (USAID) Application of science to strengthen and improve
Systems (ASSIST).

Dr. Tufton said that the partnership with USAID represented one of the
international relations he hopes to see continue.

"This partnership was absolutely essential to achieve the goals
purpose of collaboration, because the reality is that we are vulnerable, our
The friends of the north are vulnerable and, in fact, the world is vulnerable, "he said.

The Minister of Health noted that between 2016 and 2018, there had been
more than 9,000 cases of Zika in Jamaica, 600 cases of Zika in pregnant women and more than 100 conbad cases
Zika syndrome case.

The consultation aimed at raising awareness among doctors
Practitioners and Other Stakeholders in Jamaica About Mosquitoes and Zika
while creating partnerships that will contribute to the fight against
contagious illness.

The objectives of the meeting were: to inform the Jamaican medical community of the evolution of evidence on the long-term impact of the Zika virus; Update the Ministry of Health's clinical management protocols, work tools and guidelines to strengthen health services in the Zika context in Jamaica; focusing on gender inequalities that affect health outcomes and approaches to gender mainstreaming; and creating a partnership between the Ministry of Health and ASSIST to strengthen the strengthening and strengthening of the Zika context in Jamaica.

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