Stream The World's Biggest Man – "I'm a Stranger Now" | New music


Next month Swedish singer-songwriter Kristian Matsson will release a new album under the title The Tallest Man on Earth. He is intitulated I like you. It's a dream of fever. and marks its first full length in four years.

The fans had their first taste of the Dark Bird is at home followed with "The Running Styles of New York", released last month. Matsson is back today with an equally moving second single, nicknamed "I am a stranger now".

As suggested by his discouraged title, the piece sees Matsson articulate, poetically, the agony that he feels when he and his partner separate. "A little drop of poison in the rain, a little drop of madness in my heart," he describes.

"Now, so deep in the forest with my little swedish heart / I'm far from your sunset, he's so calm after all / And I'm a stranger now, I'm a stranger now."

Listen below.

I like you. It's a fever dream. lands in stores on April 19th via Rivers / Birds Records. In a previous statement, Matsson mentioned some of the revelations he discovered while working on the record.

"In making the album, I thought a lot about the lenses that we see in our life, and that for some reason our worst tendencies seemed to unfold so strongly, while our best could go unnoticed." I realized that some of the most powerful and inspiring moments of my life have been the most subtle and that, so often, what deserves my attention, is to try the least of # 39; get.

Matsson is currently supporting the disc during a broad tour in the spring. Buy tickets for all his upcoming shows here.

To own the singer-songwriter vinyl records, go to Reverb LP.


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