Australia stops a German ship after its crew reports ill-treatment and food shortages | News | DW


"Anna Elisabeth", a German-owned cargo ship, was arrested off the coast of Australia after the crew complained of poor working conditions, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) said on Wednesday. .

The Liberian-flagged bulk carrier belongs to the German shipping company Johann MK Blumenthal, and the union inspectors say that the conditions reported aboard the ship are "systemic for this company".

Anna Elisabeth is currently in Port Kembla, New South Wales, Australia.

Reports of abuse

The crew – made up of 17 workers from Sri Lanka and the Philippines – said they had been intimidated and unsafe conditions aboard.

According to the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF), they are no longer allowed to take leave on the ground since 23 January when the ship was in South Africa.

AMSA later stated that the vessel was short of food and that a lifeboat crane was not fully operational, according to the Australian Associated Press.

  • Containerhafen von Hamburg (picture-alliance / dpa / C. Charisius)

    A trip to the world's largest seaports


    Germany's largest port, located in Hamburg, carried 137.8 million tonnes of cargo in 2015. It also processed 8.8 million standard twenty-foot equivalent containers (TEUs). This makes Hamburg the third largest container port in Europe and the 19th largest in the world.

  • Containerhafen von Antwerpen (picture-alliance / dpa / D. Waem)

    A trip to the world's largest seaports


    Antwerp is home to Belgium's largest port, with a container volume in TEUs of about 9.6 million. Measured in terms of freight volume, it is the second largest in Europe and ranks 15th in the world. Antwerp is the largest transhipment center in the world for parcel freight. In addition, the port of Antwerp is home to the second largest chemical industrial complex in the world after that of Houston.

  • Rotterdam Containerhafen (picture-alliance / dpa / M. Murat)

    A trip to the world's largest seaports


    The port of Rotterdam is the largest in Europe and ranks 12th in the world. The entire port area is 42 kilometers long. The number of containers handled at the port increased by 1.2% in 2016 to reach 12.4 million TEUs. An increasing amount of freight has been shipped to East Asia and North America.

  • Containerhafen from Los Angeles (image-alliance / dpa / S. Masterson)

    A trip to the world's largest seaports

    Los Angeles / Long Beach

    The Port of Los Angeles is located in San Pedro Bay, about 30 kilometers south of downtown. The port of Long Beach, adjacent to it, blurs the geographical boundaries between the two. Together, the two ports ranked 10th in the world in 2015, with around 15.3 million standard containers.

  • Containerhafen von Dubai (Photo Alliance / Photo AP / K. Jebreili)

    A trip to the world's largest seaports


    The port of Jebel Ali in Dubai is the largest and busiest international port in the Middle East. It was built in the late 1970s and in 2015 it shipped nearly 15.6 million standard containers, placing the port at ninth place in the world.

  • Containerhafen von Guangzhou (photo alliance / dpa / Chinafotopress)

    A trip to the world's largest seaports


    Guangzhou, ranked 7th in the world, is one of the six Chinese ports among the top ten ports in terms of container volume. More than 17.5 million standard containers were processed by the port of Guangzhou in 2015.

  • Containerhafen von Busan (photo-alliance / dpa / J. Heon-Kyun)

    A trip to the world's largest seaports


    Busan is, after the capital Seoul, the second largest metropolis of South Korea and the most important hub of the country for international trade. In 2015, 19.4 million standard containers were loaded and unloaded in this harbor surrounded by a picturesque mountain range. Busan is home to the sixth largest port in the world.

  • Containerhafen of Hong Kong (picture-alliance / dpa / J. Favre)

    A trip to the world's largest seaports

    Hong Kong

    The port of Hong Kong has benefited from the strategic location of the territory facing the South China Sea. With a processing capacity of more than 20 million standard containers, the port of Hong Kong ranks fifth in the world.

  • Containerhafen from Singapur (picture-alliance / dpa)

    A trip to the world's largest seaports


    The Singapore Port handles about 31 million standard containers a year and is the second largest in the world. The city-state is still striving to maintain world-clbad facilities in its port, jealously guarding its reputation as the most important trans-shipment point between Europe and Southeast Asia.

  • Containerhafen von Schanghai (image-alliance / dpa / dpaweb / a Tu)

    A trip to the world's largest seaports


    The port of Shanghai ranks first in the world since 2010. It handled around 36.5 million standard containers in 2015, three times more than in Hamburg.

    Author: Klaus Ullrich (sri)

Not enough to feed the crew

The Australian authorities have decided to open an investigation into the charges after receiving a complaint from the ITF and the Australian Maritime Union.

The ITF National Coordinator, Dean Summers, said his inspectors had boarded the ship and found that there was not enough food to feed the crew when from the trip to Singapore.

"The meat and fish were burned by freezing and the fresh supplies were very low, certainly not enough to bring 17 sailors to Singapore," Summers said in a statement.

Allan Schwartz, Director General of Ship Safety at AMSA, said companies that continue to violate the country's maritime labor laws could be banned from Australian waters.

"All ships in Australian waters must meet Australian standards," said Schwartz.

  • Deutschland Containerschiff OOCL Hong Kong in Wilhelmshaven (picture-alliance / dpa / I. Wagner)

    The largest container ship in the world

    A new world record

    The largest container ship in the world entered the German port of Wilhelmshaven on Sunday 2 July. The MV "OOCL Hong Kong" is 400 meters long and 21,413 slots for standard containers. It was built on the Samsung shipyard in South Korea. Before his stopover in Germany, the ship, during her maiden voyage, had already stopped at Felixstowe in England and in the Polish city of Gdansk.

  • Infografik Entwicklung Ladekapazität Containerschiff ENG

    The largest container ship in the world

    The size of the Empire State Building

    The second largest container ship in the world has climbed the Elbe River to become the largest vessel ever to visit the port of Hamburg. With a length of 400 meters, it would normally carry 20 170 containers – but this number had to be reduced because the river is not deep enough. Japanese shipping company Mitsui O.S.K wants to use it regularly on routes between Europe and East Asia.

  • Deutschland Containerschiff CMA CGM Marco Polo in Hamburg (picture-alliance / dpa / A. Warmuth)

    The largest container ship in the world

    An endless race?

    MOL Triumph, alongside the largest container ship in the world, Madrid Maersk, will soon be replaced by OOCL Hong Kong in terms of capacity as the new cargo giant can load 21,100 standard containers. A quarter of a century ago, the largest cargo ships could only load a little over 4,000 containers and were easily overtaken by supertankers, which remain the largest ships ever built.

  • Öltanker Jahre Viking auf hoher See (picture-alliance / dpa / DPA Report)

    The largest container ship in the world

    Too big to fit

    With a length of 458 meters, the Norwegian tanker Jahre Viking was the largest ship ever built. She needed more than six kilometers (3.72 miles) to stop and was unable to navigate the Panama Cbad, the Suez Cbad and the English Channel. Between 2004 and 2009, it was used as a floating storage for oil before being sold to Indian shipbreakers and being the subject of a violation for scrapping in Gujarat.

  • Frankreich Testfahrt Atlantic STX (picture-alliance / dpa / F. Dubray)

    The largest container ship in the world

    Small town on the water

    The biggest cruise ship is the Harmony of the Seas, which is 362 meters long. More than 6,300 pbadengers can enjoy their time on 16 decks, while being served by a crew of 2,100. Royal Caribbean Cruises has donated more than one billion euros, 20 dining rooms, 23 pools – including the longest water slide – and an outdoor garden of 12,000 plants.

  • Motor yacht Azzam (Imago /

    The largest container ship in the world

    The "toys" of the super-rich

    The rivalry between shipowners seems to be the fiercest in the category of super-yachts, where Arab sheikhs, Russian oligarchs and American billionaires find their account. They do not hesitate to spend their money in expensive extensions, even during construction, to outbid their competitors. Momentarily, the "toy" of a Saudi Sheikh holds the title. Her 180 meter yacht named Azzam is equipped with a helipad, a missile defense and a submarine.

  • Deutschland Sailing Yacht A Kieler Förde (picture-alliance / dpa / A. Heimken)

    The largest container ship in the world

    & # 39; Sailing boat & # 39; for the romantic

    The largest sailing yacht in the world is called "Sailing Yacht A" and was created by designer Philippe Starck. It belongs to the Russian billionaire Andrey Melnichenko. The total sail area of ​​3,747 square meters is equal to the size of a half-football field. It has eight decks with three pools and an underwater observatory in the keel.

  • United States USS Gerald Ford R. (Imago / Zumapress / C. Delano)

    The largest container ship in the world

    The most expensive is for the fight

    The Gerald R. Ford is the main ship of a new clbad of supercarriers of the US Navy. It was put into service in April 2017. The US military spent about $ 13 billion for the airline that belongs to a fleet of 18 conventional carriers. She is capable of launching jet fighters from the Navy faster and more efficiently through an electromagnetic catapult instead of a steam catapult.

  • Atomeisbrecher Arktika (image alliance / dpa)

    The largest container ship in the world

    Russian pioneer

    Arctic ice cream three meters thick? No problem for the Arktika nuclear-powered Russian icebreaker. According to the Russian media, it is the most powerful ship of this type, which is scheduled to be commissioned by the end of 2017. It will then be deployed in the Arctic oil and gas fields. to chart the way for Russian tankers. Russia wants to build several more of these ships in the coming years.

  • Schwimmkran SSCV Thialf (BoH / GPL)

    The largest container ship in the world

    Slow muscle man

    Thialf is the most powerful deepwater construction ship in the world. It is capable of a tandem lift of 14,200 tons and is used for the installation of offshore constructions. For lifting operations, it will normally be ballasted up to 26.6 m (87 ft.). ). Thus, the pontoons, with a water pull of 13.6 meters, are well submerged to reduce the effect of the waves. It is strong but slow with a speed of only 11 km / h.

  • Dockwise Vanguard beim Transport einer Offshore Platform

    The largest container ship in the world

    Piggyback on the sea

    The floating oil platform (see photo) or even entire ships can be moved by the Dockwise vanguard. The heavy transport vessel sinks into the water, the tugboats drag the load onto the loading platform, and then the ship gets up again. The largest transport ship in the world is 275 meters long.

  • Regisseur James Cameron About Punkt der Meere (REUTERS)

    The largest container ship in the world

    Unknown Deepwater Explorers

    Canadian director James Cameron has dived with the Deepsea Challenger to the deepest point of the world's oceans, called Deep Challenger, located at 10,984 feet above sea level on the Pacific bed. The submarine was built in secret in Australia from 2005 to 2012. Pbadengers should not panic in closed rooms because they sit in a high-strength steel ball, of a diameter only 106 centimeters.

  • Yara Birkeland (Yara International)

    The largest container ship in the world

    Human beings are not necessary

    Size is not everything! Future ships could be electric and unmanned. Norway will begin the first experiment with a self – driving container ship next year. Yara Birkland will ship fertilizer along the Norwegian coast, the first with a captain at the helm, and from 2019 it will be controlled remotely. In 2020, the ship will travel autonomously to become a "game changer".

    Author: Insa Wrede

German company in sight

Johann MK Blumenthal, based in Hamburg, has not yet replied to the information.

The ITF said that in recent weeks European inspectors have discovered other cases of food shortages on ships belonging to the German company.

"We suspect that this company is under intense financial pressure and sought to save money whenever it could," Summers said.

In its statement, the ITF called on the Australian government to urge other countries to "audit and detain" Blumenthal vessels whenever rights violations were detected.

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