Wolfenstein Youngblood publishes the launch date and its first official triler


BJ Blazkowicz's daughters are looking for their father in this first full Bethesda game video.

To be honest, the first and brief overview of Wolfenstein: Youngblood left us a very good taste, but we wanted a real triler. The one in which we begin to know the story of what we will live in this expected video game MachineGames. Fortunately, the time has come, we have the first official triler of the game and its release date: July 26, 2019.

This is a video clip of just over two minutes that explores the story that we are going to live in this Wolfenstein Youngblood and allows us to see for the first time in depth the twin girls of the same BJ Blazkowicz: Jess and Soph.

The video game takes place in Pars that, as it could not be otherwise, lives seized by the Nazi threat. In Wolfenstein: Youngblood, we can play with a friend to enjoy the cooperative experience it promises the game, or does it with artificial intelligence that could handle the other sister in case we would not have to do it.

Wolfenstein: young blood

They presented the Deluxe Edition, which includes the Buddy Pbad. What does it consist on? "Wolves hunt in packs, and Wolfenstein's Buddy Pbad: Youngblood Deluxe Edition allows his owner to join a friend, even if he's not gambling," said their managers. "Those who have the Deluxe edition can each time provide their pbad to a friend, which allows them to download and play Wolfenstein: Youngblood for free, provided they do so with the owner of the game. 39, luxury edition. " Those who play free with the Buddy Pbad can choose at any time to acquire the full version of the game to play alone or with other players online.

The Deluxe Edition also includes several aesthetic extrasLike the Cyborg Skin Pack, they provide stylish sisters with titanium-alloy versions of their protective suits, weapons, battle knives and axes.

Similarly, players who Wolfenstein book: Youngblood will receive static extras in the Wolfenstein: Youngblood Legacy pack. The owners of the Legacy Pack will be able to equip themselves with the most emblematic costumes and weapons of B. J. belonging to the Wolfenstein franchise, among which:

  • Wolfenstein II jacket improvement suit: the new colossus
  • The US Army UU booster costume by B. J.
  • Wolfenstein's pipe: the old blood
  • Wolfenstein's knife: old blood
  • A set of drawings for World War II weapons for all ranged weapons of dao

Picture of Wolfenstein: YoungbloodPicture of Wolfenstein: Youngblood

Ms about: Wolfenstein: young blood, Bethesda and Machine Games.

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