WALLY WEST takes a turn and [Redacted] Returns of the dead in HEROES IN CRISIS # 7


Hero in Crisis # 7
Credit: DC

Credit: DC

Spoilers coming for Heroes in Crisis # 7 this week.

Hero in Crisis # 7 just made Wally West one of the main suspects in the mbad murder of Sanctuary.

The question also showed that Wally was giving Poison Ivy life (and we think we may have been right in predicting a few months ago that it would now become an avatar of the green type of Swamp Thing, what a few problems from Washington suggest on).

So, what makes Wally a suspect?

It's where it gets confused. But the problem shows that a version of Wally West is still alive, five days after the murders.

This version of Wally five days in advance knows that he will die. And of course, another version of Wally appears to kill him.

So…. it is certain seems as, immediately after the murders, Wally West's version still alive during the murders has been surrendered at this time of five days to kill his future version. And then, he apparently went back into the past to put his dead body in the past, depositing him among the dead characters in Sanctuary.

Why? Well, that's the mystery.

But there is another piece of dialogue in Hero in Crisis # 7 it involves Wally. He also apologized to Poison Ivy for "hurting" her.

Is it a confession?

Obviously, there must be more in the story because there are so many clues that do not make sense, Wally West being an isolated murderer – like the teeth slamming in the throat of the Commander Steel, the message "Puddlers" and the different versions. murders suffered by Booster and Harley.

But Wally's apology to Ivy seems to imply it.

So, how does the story unfold in Hero in Crisis # 7? Let's take a look at the spoilers of this week's issue.

A rose under another name

The story begins with the appearance of those gloved hands of red, those who shot Harley Quinn out of the water.

The hands belong to Wally West, who is alive.

Wally plants the rose in a field of flowers using a spark of energy to revive it. He quotes a poem that he remembers his marriage to Linda (you know, the marriage that took place in another universe and that allowed them to have children who no longer exist).

Credit: DC

Credit: DC

In this issue, readers are also shown some of Wally's "confession" sessions in Sanctuary, where he admits that something is wrong in his mind, but he seems desperate to solve the problem. After every week at the Sanctuary, he still does not understand the fact that his family is gone.

"I have this whole family, all my love and all that," Wally recalls in his third week's confession. "I do not stop talking about that. And they were crushed by a multi-something time crisis. What was caused by Barry. And they left for good and everyone wants me to be the symbol of hope. "

In fact, the problem ends with one of Wally's confessions in Sanctuary, where he is clearly annoyed by the fact that his treatment takes so long.

Blue and Gold Duo and Dynamicker

In Barry Allen's lab, Harley Quinn attacks Booster Gold. (Reminder: Booster Gold and Blue Beetle broke into Barry's lab in a previous issue.) The two had discovered that Wally's body was in five days, but they were suddenly interrupted by the appearance of Harley and Batgirl .)

Credit: DC

Batgirl discovers how to disable the Booster Shield and Harley threatens to kill Booster. But instead of fighting back, Booster just gives in. Go ahead, kill me, he said, shot. But Harley can not do it.

Neither one nor the other, it seems, is a killer.

Eventually, the four of them start working together, while Booster and Beetle share their discovery of Wally's body in five days.

Today is the fifth day since the murder. So … does that mean that Wally is alive, right? Or maybe he is about to die?

They decide all four to look for the "living" version of Wally West. They call themselves "Blue and Gold and the Dynamicker Duo" (although Batgirl does not like this last part, invented by Harley).

Credit: DC

Booster suggests using some of the Skeets temporal technology to detect all of the time-travel shenanigans, and Beetle suggests connecting it to the Kord satellites to boost his signal.

The number also shows several pbadages to the Batcave, where Batman and Barry use totally different methods to search Booster and Beetle after their escape from the courtroom. Batman serenely hopes that the fugitives are mistaken and triggers one of his carefully placed alarms, but Barry frantically searches the world for their search.

Neither of them succeeds, but it is amusing to see the juxtaposed methods.

Finally, one of Bruce's alarms goes off and Bruce and Barry are now on the verge of stopping the Blue and Gold and the Dynamicker Duo.

Ivy Thing?

Back in the flower field, Wally strikes the rose with another spark and the rose suddenly has a pod-shaped bud in the middle of its bloom. While Wally talks about poetry as being about creating things – "how does love do things" – the pod / bud grows. And bigger.

Credit: DC

And suddenly, the bud opens and Pamela Isley comes out, except that it is all green. (Yeah, do you know what that means?)

Wally apologizes to Ivy, but she thanks him for helping her. His dialogue implies that, even if he has just brought her back to life, it was he who hurt her at first.

"I hurt you, and then I did that," says Wally. "It does not make up for the injury. And that does not compensate … you just wake up, you have life. I'm sorry you had to see that. "

Ivy does not understand. What will she see?

"Dead," said Wally. "You will see my death."

Suddenly, another Wally West appears in a burst of sparks, ending the problem.

Credit: DC

The story continues in penultimate Hero in crisis # 8, scheduled for April 24.= "https:>

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