The matrix Sandra Bullock interprets the role of Neo almost arrived – / Movie


the sandra bullock matrix

Will Smith was not the only big name to refuse Neo to The matrix. It turned out that Warner Bros. had gone through a whole series of celebrities on the list before finally making up his mind. Keanu Reeves, which has become the face of the multi-million dollar franchise. But that face seemed almost completely different – though certainly familiar to Reeves fans.

Reeves & # 39; Speed costar Sandra Bullock was actually considered for the role of Neo, according to the producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura, who talked about his difficulties in getting The matrix greenlit with film. Warner Bros. hesitated to give the green light to the ambitious science fiction epic of the Wachowski without a big name at the head of the cast and contacted several big names, including Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio and of course Smith. But one name stands out from the others: Sandra Bullock. Di Bonaventura said that The matrix The team approached Bullock with the screenplay and offered to change Neo's bad if she played the main role in the film.

"We went to see so many people I can not remember. We became desperate. We went to Sandy Bullock and said, "We are going to change Neo into a girl." [Producer] Joel Silver and I worked with Sandy on "Demolition Man" and she was and continues to be a very good friend of mine. It was quite simple. We sent her the script to see if she was interested in it. And if that interested him, we would try to make the change.

He added, "It just was not something for her at the time. So, really, he did not go anywhere. "

It is now an interesting twist in a story that Bullock has already told. In 2009, The bird box the actress told NBC Today & # 39; hui that she was considered for the role of Trinity and that she regretted not having taken it. Carrie-Anne Moss, who, according to Bullock, is one of the reasons why The matrix has become such a phenomenon. "It was bady and great because of Carrie-Anne and Keanu," she said.

But Warner Bros. and di Bonaventura did not have to look far for their star: Reeves and Bullock shared the same star in the 1994 action thriller Speed a few years earlier. Reeves had the role, but Bonaventura had already told The Wrap that his Warner Bros. bosses. were uncomfortable to give the green light to the film. The casting department then contacted Arnold Schwarzenegger and Michael Douglas for Morpheus. But that role is ultimately up to Laurence Fishburne. Hugo Weaving and Carrie-Anne Moss complete the cast.

"I do not think I would change anything. The bigger the star, the more likely the studio was to say yes. So we started with the biggest and came to Keanu and he gave us momentum, "said Bonaventura. "The truth is, this film goes up or falls on these four."

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