What is the best way to help children who have experienced trauma?


The study found that symptoms of PTSD were quite common at the beginning of the recovery process, ie between two and four weeks. "The symptoms of PTSD may be a common reaction to trauma in children and adolescents," said Dr. Richard Meiser-Stedman, a professor of clinical psychology at the University of East Anglia, in a statement. England, who led the study. Health care professionals avoid diagnosing it during the first month following a trauma because, rather than being a disorder, it is a completely normal reaction … These reactions initials are motivated by a high level of fear. and confusion during the trauma. "

In general, however, the majority of children recovered naturally during the two months without any professional help or intervention.

The social support they received in their lives and the presence of other life stressors did not have a real impact on their likelihood of experiencing persistent symptoms of PTSD. What is it? This was the tendency to consider their own response to trauma as being abnormal, a sign of weakness or a sign that they were "permanently damaged". This self-judgment was the predictor of PTSD.

"Young people who were not recovering well and who were following a chronic PTSD track two months after their trauma were much more likely to think negatively about their trauma and their reactions – they mulled over what had happened to them," Meiser-Stedman said. explained. "They perceived their symptoms as a sign that something was seriously and permanently wrong in them, they no longer trusted others and they thought they could not cope with it."

This means that one of the most effective ways to help youth who are recovering from trauma is to normalize their pain. It is essential to ensure that they know that there is nothing wrong with feeling deeply distressed by what has happened to them and that it may take some time before these emotions subside. A trauma can certainly change you, but it does not "permanently hurt you".

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