Former French spy suspected of conspiracy in Congo-Brazzaville shot dead in the Alps | News from the world


The body of a former French intelligence agent linked to a plot to badbadinate was found riddled with bullets during a ride in the Alps.

Daniel Forestier was discovered in a pool of blood in a parking lot on a little used road in Haute-Savoie, near Lake Geneva. Police said the killing was a "professional job" and an autopsy revealed that he had been shot five times.

The badbadination of Forestier, 57, author of several spy novels, came six months after his official indictment for his alleged role in a plot to kill an opponent of the regime of the President of Congo-Brazzaville, Denis Sbadou -Nguesso.

The police said Forestier had already been a member of the French counterespionage agency, DGSE, the French equivalent of MI6 for 14 years, but did not give a date when it was operational. He was reportedly a member of a special military unit in charge of very secret "confidential" operations.

France Bleu radio in Haute-Savoie said that Forestier lived in the village of Lucinges, 15 km from the body of his body, with his wife and two children. He had served as a local councilor until he was investigated last September.

The prosecutor said the murder was probably a settlement. "There is almost no doubt about it," said Philippe Toccanier. Forestier had received five bullets to the chest and head, he added.

The Mayor of Lucinges said that all the inhabitants of the village of 1,640 inhabitants knew that Forestier had worked for the country's intelligence service.

"He had written several spy novels, but he never gave us details about what he did," Jean-Luc Soulat told local radio. "He was very well settled here. He ran a tobacco bar here and he helped me there just 15 days to organize the opening of a village hall. "

He stated that when Forestier resigned from the city council last September, he explained that it was for "personal reasons that he would explain one day." Now, I understand why he resigned and I think it's because he wanted to protect the community. "

In a conspiracy worthy of a novel by John Le Carré, Forestier and a second former intelligence officer were indicted for allegedly intent on killing General Ferdinand Mbaou, a senior police officer. opposition to Congo-Brazzaville. The two were indicted by an investigating magistrate last fall for "participating in a criminal organization" and "detained explosives."

Le Monde reported that Forestier had admitted to belonging to a group formed to kill Mbaou, who lived in the Val d'Oise, north of Paris, but had confided to the investigators that after conducting reconnaissance operations, he had realized that the plot was "not possible". According to the newspaper, Forestier later denied having been involved in criminal activities.

Aged 62, Mbaou was at the head of the presidential guard of his predecessor, Pascal Lissouba, but fled the country when Lissouba was overthrown by a coup in 1997. He always criticized the regime of Sbadou -Nguesso. ball lodged near his heart following a previous attempt at badbadination. He told Paris Match last year that he had learned of the existence of the plot to kill him only when he had read about it in French newspapers.

"I know why they want to kill me. I was warned and I also received threats in text messages. I tried to warn the [security] but they did not do anything, "said Mbaou.

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