Jane the Virgin's premiere: The Michael Twist Explained


Honestly, screws Game of thrones.

As enthusiastic as we are to know who will end up on the iron throne in the end, this enthusiasm pales in comparison to what we felt when we entered the evening. Jane the Virgin first. After the final of season four revealed that Michael (Brett Dier), in one form or another, was alive, we spent almost a year theorizing, panicking, arguing, begging and reviewing our observations asking ourselves a) if it was Michael and b) how Jane (Gina Rodriguez) would take care of anyone.

She had just spent four years mourning for her deceased husband and had finally left Rafael (Justin Baldoni). They moved in together! She was ready for what he's proposing! We were firmly, completely, totally the Rafael team! And then Jane arrived at Rafael's apartment and the reason why Raf had been acting so odd suddenly became very clear, because of course discovering that your fiancee's late husband is still alive is a real revolution, especially when it is necessary to announce this news to you.

Tonight we have discovered how serious this is. Raf did a DNA test and discovered that Michael is really Michael, but Michael does not know that he is Michael. He thinks he's calling Jason and, as far as he knows, he's a Montana rancher. His death was falsified and his memory was deliberately erased by Sin Rostro (obviously), who then threw him in the middle of a field and told him that he had a lot of trouble. trouble. He must start all over again.

He speaks slowly, he does not tell jokes, he does not like cats, he has a dog and he has no idea who Jane is.

Although Rogelio is simply sure that the memories of his brogelio would come back immediately after seeing him, Michael is still Jason and Jane the Virgin fully explore the major telenovela trope it has not yet tackled: Amnesia.

"We've been laying the groundwork for Rogelio's television for some time, and this season is about the loop," Executive Producer Jennie Snyder Urman told a small group of reporters after the movie. "There's a lot of pilot echoes in this first script, and we're going to continue to do that throughout the season and see how people have evolved and how you can be in a similar situation, but all is different now and how five years have changed.Amnesia was the kind of thing we came into playing in this space with Rogelio's first telenovela.how to create so many dramas for the last season and the emotional feeling of seeing someone you like to see you as a stranger has made you feel very exciting and stimulating at the same time. "

The decision to bring Michael back was part of "the same decision" to explore amnesia.

"We were only going to bring him back for this last telenovela trope that we kind of kept in our pockets for that," said Urman.

All that happened tonight and that will continue to happen pretty much sums up the complete circle of this last season, and the return of Michael / Jason's introduction was a way to put it back into play this initial love triangle.

"It was a way to really reinvigorate the love triangle, but to tell totally different stories, which seemed to me really exciting, and raised interesting questions about the soul, and the soul mates, and about what makes a no one if we are a collection the stories we tell about ourselves or if we are really what there is really and how the experience shapes us, "explained Urman. "These were all things that seemed like a new and fresh territory for us while continuing to play as the return of the love triangle, but in a totally different way."

Jason's very anti-Michael personality was very deliberate, according to Urman and Gina Rodriguez, for various reasons.

"I feel it would have been too stingy [for him to be Michael-like]"Said Rodriguez.

"We have to take seriously the trauma of waking up without knowing who he was," Urman said. "How would you like [recreate everything] if you did not know if you were a good person or a bad person? You would not talk all the time, because you would be afraid of what you were going to say that could be bad, to incriminate you in one way or another, or to give something you do not know not. This made us think of him as someone who was silent and observant and who was watching the clues and other things about people. This made him a more internal person because he lived without any sense of history, memory, anything to keep. "

Regarding what Jane is doing now, Urman says her plan is to do everything in her power to revive her memories while still living her life.

"It is his intention at the moment to help him, to take him away from his life so that his life can continue to move forward, because obviously he is different and different, and you know, he does not speak or seem anything like Michael right now, so that's the plan, and of course, over the course of the shots, they're shredded and rewritten as you go, so that's will obviously become more complicated. "

At the end of the first, Jane had gone to see Rafael to tell her that she was choosing him, but she might also have seen a spark in MichaelJason's eyes, and we'll need to Help me get through this season.

Of course, Michael was not the only conspiracy to deal with tonight. We learned that it was Milos, Petra's ex-evil husband, whom JR had killed in the final of the fourth season, and we know that Rose is ready to deal with some sort of nonsense Charlie's brainwashing that's not very clear at the moment, but when are Sin Rostro's plans immediately clear? Never, when is it.

We count the days until next Wednesday, at 9 pm, at which time Jane the Virgin Airs again on the CW.

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