Tesla's new return policy is confusing because of Elon Musk


Tesla CEO's tweets, Elon Musk, are still making waves – but this time it's the executive's advice from the automaker of electric cars about car returns, which face with what is on his website.

Tesla's return policy provides for a seven-day return period for all cars delivered. But it is specified that you can only claim a return if "you took delivery of your vehicle without ever having done a test or a demonstration with us".

Around 5 pm PT On Wednesday, the return policy page included this key detail as shown below on the left. But by 6 pm PT the site had been updated without the limitations of testing.

The old policy of return.

The old policy of return.

Image: tesla / screengrab

The new return policy.

The new return policy.

Image: tesla / screengrab

Back on February 28, Musk spoke to the media about a $ 35,000 model 3 base car and provided information on a new test and return system.

At that time, he had explained how the return time of a week would "alleviate the need for road tests" and that someone could use the car for free for a week. He added that no one should "fear to place an order … We simplify the order and the return."

Then Musk tweeted on Wednesday around 10:30 am Pacific time, contrary to Tesla's policy, "it's a week in both cases", meaning you've had a try or not.

No, it's a week anyway.

– Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 27, 2019

As The edge reported, "said Tesla The edge there was a delay in updating the language on the website, and a new return policy should be on the website soon that reflects Musk's tweet. "

We contacted Tesla for more details on conflicting return policies and "language delay". A spokesman said the policy had been updated by the time Musk tweeted on Wednesday, but that the website was not yet up to date.

It is now up-to-date and any customer can return his car within seven days or 1000 km for a full refund, whether he's doing a test or driving. Everyone is on the same page again. For the moment.

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