Members' Affirmations on Proposed Amendments to the ITR Act Are "False" – Coalition


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The joint coalition that fought for the right to information (RTI) Bill pbaded refuted claims that he had accepted the bill to make the final step in Parliament without his input.

According to a statement by the coalition, the statement of the chairman of the Committee on Constitutional, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, Ben Abdallah Banda, is "false".

"… considering that the Parliament is a chamber of the archives, we wish to use this platform to correct the erroneous information communicated to the House yesterday," the statement said.

Parliament pbaded the bill on Tuesday

We "call on the President to do the honorable thing by asking through the Rt. The Hon. President to be removed from the archives of the House, "they added.

The joint coalition, composed of the Ghana Right to Information Coalition (RTI), the RTI Media Coalition and the OccupyGhana lobby group, proposed, among other things, that the "timetable for setting up the necessary structure effective implementation", to be modified.

This, however, has not been accepted by lawmakers. "Although we are disappointed … we call on everyone to support the proper application of the law," the Coalition wrote.

The Coalition added that it hoped that some of their "concerns will be addressed in the Regulations that will come later to make the law operational".

Act respecting the road to the RTI

Although the 1992 Constitution of Ghana provides for the right to information, the Parliamentary Act must be implemented operationally.

The bill was drafted in 1992 but was introduced in Parliament only in 2010.

In the last stages of the 6th Legislature, outgoing President John Mahama urged Parliament to pbad the bill, but the then minority minority party – which won the majority in the elections – was not the only party to vote. did not want anything.

After much advocacy by various civil society organizations, the 7 th Parliament pbaded the bill on Tuesday, March 26, 2019, ending a record two decades of advocacy.

A warning in the law, however, prevents it from "bite" until 2020.

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