Work on 17 E-Block schools is complete


The Ministry of Education said that work in 17 upper secondary schools in the country, known as E-Blocks, have been completed and operational.

It was part of 23 E-Block schools selected by the government to be completed.

The other six are at various levels of completion.

In addition, contracts for the modernization of the facilities of 50 existing SHS have been awarded.

As part of a World Bank – sponsored Secondary School Improvement Project (SEIP), 125 SHS were badigned to improvements.

As part of the $ 156 million SEIP, 10,025 students from low-income families, particularly girls from beneficiary schools, also received scholarships.

Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum, Deputy Minister of General Education and Head of General Education, who revealed this information in an interview with the Daily Graphic in Accra, said the SEIP, launched in 2015 , had helped to expand access to education and improve the quality of education. teaching and learning in SHS, especially in underserved communities.

SHS mapping

Dr. Adutwum also said that public and private SHS had been mapped, adding that an online portal,, had been created to make information about schools available to all.

"The information has been reproduced in school board abstracts that have been printed and distributed to public colleges to help students make informed choices about their favorite SHS.

"School performance partnership plans have also been prepared by the schools and funds have been transferred to them to enable them to implement projects that will help students improve their performance on exams." South African Diploma Examinations (WASSCE), "he added.

Other interventions

According to the Minister, instructions based on information and communication technologies (ICT) had also been put in place in the 125 SHS where I-Box (an offline portal loaded with educational content for students) had been set up to broadcast video lessons, exercises and content badessment for students and teachers.

He also announced that solar panels had been installed in all SEIP beneficiary schools to provide constant electricity, while 1,700 science and math teachers had been trained to improve student performance in these subjects.

Heads of school also received training in modern school administration techniques, he added.

Additional financing

He explained that the World Bank had mobilized additional funding of $ 40 million to expand school infrastructure to create access and promote effective teaching and learning of SHS, due to the implementation impressive project.

Dr. Adutwum said that 106 additional schools had been included in SEIP and that 10,000 students from these schools would also receive scholarships.

He also mentioned the training of a greater number of science and mathematics teachers and the introduction of a World Bank regional initiative on mathematics and science for the purpose Schools in Sub-Saharan Africa (MS4SSA).

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