2,200 workers will be posted in new regions


Dr. Archibald Letsa, speaking at the meeting. On his left, Mr. Dan Botwe

Dr. Archibald Letsa, speaking at the meeting. On his left, Mr. Dan Botwe

Minister of Reorganization and Regional Development, Dan Botwe, announced that the government will badign at least 100 experienced local government service workers to each of the newly created regions to provide the necessary human resources to the various regional coordinating offices . advice to put in place.

The Regional Coordination Council of Oti (ORCC), he said, will soon be inaugurated to allow accelerated and faster development of the region.

Government team

The minister said this when he was leading a team of government officials, including the Volta regional minister, Drs. Archibald Yao Letsa and Nana Ato Arthur, heads of the local government department, to inspect them. the infrastructure reserved for the offices and bungalows of the Regional Coordination Council of Oti. and residence for the minister.

He added that 20 million Gh ¢ had been allocated to each of the six new regions to help expand development to these regions.

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Accelerated development

According to the minister, two important elements that led to the creation of regions were to bring the government closer to the people and accelerate development.

As a result, he said, the government was preparing an action plan for the proper functioning of the councils in order to carry out the government's development program for the zones.

Botwe called on leaders and people to continue to help the government implement its development agenda.


The regional minister of the Volta, Dr. Letsa, who also serves as acting minister of Oti, has revealed malicious acts in some district bademblies and recommended workers of these bademblies not to steal from Money from the state, stating that found guilty, they would be prosecuted.

Dr. Letsa said the Volta region is ready to help the new ORCC move forward.

Local service

For his part, the head of the local government department, Mr. Ato Arthur, said the service would strengthen the capacity of staff members to ensure that the delivery of public services is improved.

Nana Mprah Besemuna III, of Krachiwura, for her part said that the whole chieftaincy was ready to rally to the new administration for an accelerated development in Oti.

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