Meghan Markle has a new nickname and she will not like it


The media harbadment of Meghan Markle is still relentless, despite warnings from stars such as George Clooney to stop or perhaps repeat the story of Princess Diana. You can probably argue that Clooney's influence is not as strong with the show of young paparazzi today. Some of these people were probably not born when Princess Diana died in a car accident after photographers.

Although you can say that the media is giving Meghan a difficult time based on mere rumors, there are reports that people working for her give him unflattering nicknames. Supposedly, she is difficult and begins to irritate the badistants working around her.

Let's take a little time to find what is true and what is not.

Where did these rumors begin?

You can go back to about five months in November when Meghan's personal badistant (who would call Melissa) resigned due to all the chaos. Her badistant is apparently the one who handled a lot of the problems with Meghan's father and other relatives.

Yes, we could almost call this the role of the press officer in protecting our president. This usually means falling on a grenade to maintain peace and reputation.

This type of sacrifice was probably not very common in royal circles in previous years. "Melissa" left burnout, not to mention her involvement in the vertiginous whirlwind of the wedding ceremony between Meghan and Harry.

Since November, the media claim that people working for Meghan are now developing these nasty nicknames as they move forward.

Reports of more royal badistants leaving and a new nickname

The most recent news indicates that the other members of Meghan's Royal Staff are resigning because they do not appreciate one thing in particular: The Duchess of Susbad has a boundless work ethic.

If you think that sounds strange overall, it seems that the British are not used to the schedule early in the day that Meghan was used to. As an actress, she had to work hard and that usually involved being on a platter even before the sun came up.

His staff can not seem to hack that, not to mention all the internal dramas going on. As a result, it is called nicknames such as "Me-Gain", "Duchess Difficult" and "Hurricane Meghan".

Maybe the last is not totally bad, even if the first two are painful to read, let alone to say.

How does Meghan react to these nicknames?

We do not know how she reacted to it. In fact, we do not even know if they are really true because it's more news from second hand sources about the royal family. Most of us are getting tired of hearing Markle talk about dubious people who claim to have basic knowledge.

We also find it disturbing to know if "Me-Gain" is a racist term, as some of the social media suggest. An internal discussion about possible racism behind the center of Markle's rumors is more than a little disturbing to contemplate. After all, the media has already addressed this reality when Meghan and Harry met for the first time.

One thing we know is that if these nickname rumors are true, Meghan will probably handle it because she is known for her bravery in Hollywood. The question is whether she will find a staff member who will remain faithful to her.

The difficulty of finding people you trust

You can certainly see the same complexity as our current president hiring people at the White House. Although the quality of these candidates is highly questionable, it is probably just as difficult to select similar people for Meghan's staff.

Can she find people who will give her complete confidence and have no bias or even hidden racist attitudes? I hope she can find staff that creates more endearing nicknames, much like other members of the royal family.

Meghan already calls Harry "My Love", Harry calls her "Meg" and her mother once called her daughter "Flower".

Let's see this flower continue to blossom without the media giving it a continuous pile of land.

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