My views on RTI law has not changed – KT Hammond


General News of Thursday, March 28, 2019



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Adansi Asokwa Member of Parliament, KT Hammond has said to be right in the face of the law.

Speaking on Eyewitness News today [Wednesday] he said he was going to be stuck by his words.

The Member of Parliament had described the RTI Bill as a recipe for disaster, which would be impeded by the work of ministers and governance processes.

"I have not shifted one millimeter or so from my views, I am still clear in my views. It's law now, why do not we just wait, for the implementation and all, it was just upset that it was just a red herring on my part, that I was unnecessarily agitated by it, "he said

Last Year, KT Hammond maintained the RTI Bill in its current form was dangerous for governance. "What I found a little bit more disappointing when they suggested that they did not think I had the document and they did not think about it. That is below the belt. They [CSOs] should give me a little bit more credit.

"They may not like my views but I do not know a thing about RTI is a bit unfair. I did not expect that they will clap for me. I knew that this bill would not ensure the benefit of the entire country. I have suggested that this is a Bill that the media is interested in and I stand by it. Criticize me, but give me a little bit more credit. "

RTI Coalition Push for Pbadage of RTI Bill

Members of the Media Coalition on RTI is planning to protest in Parliament in 2018, but was denied entry into the house.

The government was accused of paying lip service to the pbadage of the Bill.

Speaker of Parliament, Prof. Mike Oquaye, in the text of the House of Pbad Bill in the final session of 2018.

About the RTI Bill

The RTI is a fundamental human right guaranteed by the country's 1992 Constitution and recognized as a right under International Conventions on Human Rights.

The Bill is in the nature of the Article 21 (1) (f) of the Constitution which states that "All persons shall have the right to information about such qualifications and laws as necessary for a democratic society."

The back and forth

The Right to Information Bill was first drafted in 1999 under former president, Jerry John Rawlings.

Various advocacy groups emerged from the bill in 2002 and reviewed in 2003, 2005 and 2007.

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) in 2008 and 2012 election manifestos promised to pbad the Bill.

In 2010, it was presented to Parliament for consideration.

In 2011, the government signed on to the Open Government Partnership's (OGP) Initiative with a commitment to pbad the law. Then in November 2013, the Bill was formally ugly before parliament.

Former Attorney General, Deputy Dominic Ayine in 2015, moved the Bill for second reading in Parliament.

In October 2016, the bill was withdrawn and replaced.

Following the dissolution of the Sixth Parliament of the Fourth Republic and the swearing-in of the new Parliament in January 2017, the Bill had to be re-laid by the new government before work.

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