Brexit Quagmire, Roundup Damages, Grindr Fears: Daily CEO March 28, 2019


CEO of Swedbank

The board of directors of Swedbank, caught in a money-laundering scandal, dismissed CEO Birgitte Bonnesen. A few days ago, she apparently had all her support, but Swedish authorities then broke into Swedbank's headquarters and Swedish television claimed that the bank had misled US investigators over the Panama Papers scandal. Reuters

Emissions control

Is there a call for new federal controls on methane emissions from … a fossil fuel company? Susan Dio, Chief of BP America, writes for the Houston Chronicle BPD and its counterparts are working to address the problem, but "the best way to help further reduce and eliminate methane emissions in the industry is to regulate existing sources directly from the federal government. " Houston Chronicle

JPMorgan Cuts

JPMorgan would cut hundreds of jobs in its badet and wealth management business globally, with most of the work planned for support roles. Spokesperson Darin Oduyoye said, "It is normal for us to review our staff every year to ensure we have appropriate levels and make the necessary adjustments … We continue to invest in our activities and talents. . " Bloomberg

Facebook ban

Facebook has decided to ban white and white separatist nationalist content after the Christchurch mbadacre. "It is clear that these concepts are deeply linked to organized hate groups and have no place in our services," said Facebook, explaining that people seeking terms related to white supremacy on the platform will be redirected to the NGO Life After Hate. Fortune

This edition of CEO Daily has been edited by David Meyer. Find previous editions here, and sign up here for other Fortune newsletters.

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