Mobile phone: Huawei launches P30 and P30 Pro


A favorite for Huawei enthusiasts. A model phone with powerful cameras: the Chinese manufacturer has just launched its P30 phone and the P30 Pro at the Paris Convention Center on Tuesday, March 26, 2019.

Once again, the Chinese manufacturer wanted to "revolutionize photography" around the theme "Rewrite the rules of photography".

Huawei's goal, according to its CEO, Richard Yu, "is to create powerful phones that will change people's lives."

The P30 series has several new and innovative features. But the most impressive are the camera. The cell phone is thus equipped with superior camera functions.

The P30 is equipped with a new triple 40MP "supersensing" sensor and the P30 Pro offers a quadruple "revolutionary sensor".

With the P30 series, you can take pictures in the dark, in the water and take pictures of the sky and stars in a clearer way or even photograph the moon.

The sensor sees a lot more light than your retina.

The most amazing thing is the new video mode that records video in wide angle, and in telephoto mode. A real must for all hightech mobile phone lovers.

Nafisah Fakun from Paris

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