Reese's new specialty mugs are perfect for Reese's nuanced palate


The only good news is candies. So it's wonderful that two new Reese goblets will soon be on the shelves.

The Chocolate Lovers and Peanut Butter Cups, which will be available from mid-April this year, are for those looking for a little more chocolate or a little more peanut butter from their Reese experience. . Their shape is no different from that of a standard mug – we have seasonal reese for that – but these are small fun variations on an already good candy.

Let's break them:

Chocolate lovers

Lovers of chocolate.

I have never looked for a cup of Reese for chocolate. This is the peanut butter that distinguishes the candy. So I was not particularly excited about the "thicker chocolate shell" which, in my opinion, would further ruin the chocolate / peanut butter ratio, or the "richer and darker milk chocolate".

Fortunately, I did not notice a big difference between Chocolate Lovers and a standard Reese mug. If you're really looking for it, you can see that the edges of the Chocolate Lovers are slightly thicker, but I can not imagine anyone who does not know that he's eating a specialty cup might know it.

At the end of my last bite, I noticed a little more chocolate taste than usual – but if I had not noticed a large label bearing the inscription "CHOCOLATE LOVERS "I'm not sure I know it.

Reese lovers, like eggs, pumpkin and the Christmas tree, may prefer peanut butter lovers to chocolate lovers – there's just not enough peanut butter to satisfy them. But if all you ever wanted from a Reese, is that it's a little less similar to itself, it's the option that's right for you.

Lovers of peanut butter

Lover of peanut butter.

Turning now to Reese's real heads: peanut butter lovers. This candy features a top made entirely of peanut butter and extra peanut butter inside, which means that taking a bite out of any of them basically involves inviting a butter bomb. peanut in your mouth. (For me, it's good.)

The relationship between PB and chocolate on this one is a little more similar to that of Seasonal Reese – it really feels like chocolate is a vehicle for peanut butter here. Yes, the base is still chocolate, but it takes a step back from the inner shell and the upper shell to the firm PB flavor. That's what needs to be done in a perfect world of Reese: fewer chocolate edges, fewer obstacles to the price of peanut butter.

The Lovers Peanut Butter Lovers Cup stands apart much more from the standard mug than the Chocolate Lovers mug, but it still has the same taste as that of a Reese. That's what's happening with these special cups. If you like the standard Reese, you'll like both. If you have a strong preference between the two? You probably already have an extremely nuanced Reese palate.

Not that it's a bad thing.

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