Here's what will happen if the unborn baby of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle gets too big


People can not stop talking about Meghan Markle's pregnancy
belly. Over the weeks and the Duchess of Susbad is getting closer and closer to
its due date, all eyes are focused on its abdomen as it expands
and bigger. You would think that people had never seen a pregnant woman before.

Some speculate that Meghan
and Prince Harry could even wait for twins, although that seems quite
unlikely. In reality, each person is different and each pregnancy is different.
Wear high, wear low, earn 10 pounds, earn 50 – if pregnant
The woman's goal is satisfied with her pregnancy, so it's not the job of anyone else.

But what if Meghan Markle really has an oversized
baby? Could it be dangerous for her – especially if she considers
plan a Natural
or birth at home? Keep reading to find out.

Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle | Samir Hussein / Samir Hussein / WireImage

Why do unborn babies become too big?

We've all heard of babies 9, 10 or even 11 pounds being born
(The average weight of a newborn is closer to 7 pounds). Could this happen
Meghan Markle?

There is a term for babies who are too big in the womb – that's
called LGA (Large for Gestational Age). One of the most common contributing
for the condition is gestational diabetes, which can cause abnormally
high birth weight. Genetics also plays a role in determining the size of the baby
will be, with how long the pregnancy is going forward. The baby continues to grow
the more he or she stays there.

Babies who are born fat are not just a fascinating subject of
conversation at dinner – they can also pose serious risks to the mother,
which is why doctors are so determined oversight
. But what about Meghan Markle? This is what the duchess can
expect if your baby is really too tall.

Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle | Hannah Mckay – Pool / Getty Images

What are the possible complications if Meghan Markle's baby is
too big?

A likely complication that Meghan Markle can expect if her baby
becomes too big is an increased risk of the need for an emergency cesarean section.
Some other risks include prolonged badl delivery, birth injury and
difficult birth experience in general.

If his doctor determines that the baby is big enough, then
he or she could recommend an early induction birth. Unfortunately for Meghan
Markle, induced births are much more likely to require badgesics and
end with cesarean deliveries. This contrasts with Markle's ideal plan
for a totally serene and natural birth experience.

The Duchess of Susbad probably has a normal size

Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle | Tolga Akmen / AFP / Getty Images

Why are people so obsessed with the size of the new royal
baby? Probably because they are intrigued by the baby in general. Since
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle do not reveal the bad of the child (although
the rumor is that they know what that is) or what name they choose. It leaves
Royal fans forced to speculate on everything related to the child according to what they
can see. For the moment? It's just a big round belly that seems to grow from
the day.

In her last weeks of pregnancy, Meghan Markle takes it
easy and even Prince Harry has reduced the royal commitments so that he can support his
women. There is no doubt that the Duchess's doctor is closely watching the pregnancy and
will make the best recommendations for safe and healthy delivery based on
facts, not rumors.

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