Nelson Piquet Jr is eliminated from Formula E after a dreadful season with Jaguar


Nelson Piquet Jr was removed from Formula E.

Piquet, the son of the triple F1 champion, was the first Formula E champion to win the title in 2015.

But he has had a terrible season, collecting only one point, and Jaguar has decided to change things.

Alex Lynn, 25, takes his place and becomes the sixth Briton on the grid, joining Sam Bird, Oliver Rowland, Alexander Sims, Oliver Turvey and Gary Paffett.

Piquet Jr said: "I have enjoyed working with Panasonic Jaguar Racing over the last season and a half, but the results of Season Five have not met the collective expectations of myself and the # 39; team.

Piquet Jr was fired by Jaguar for poor performance

"I'm starting my Stock Car Brazil season in a week and a half and that will be my goal in 2019.

"I am still very pbadionate about the fact that Formula E has been involved from the start and wins the inaugural championship."

Piquet Jr. is one of the best-paid drivers on the Formula E grid but has been far surpbaded by Jaguar teammate Mitch Evans.

Piquet Jr (right) at the E-Prix de Marrakech earlier this season

He was unable to finish eight of his last 13 E-Awards and was on the podium for the last time in 2015.

James Barclay, Jaguar Team Director, said, "Following the discussions that followed Sanya, Nelson and we reflected on the team's position.

"Unfortunately, it was agreed that he would leave Panasonic Jaguar Racing and seize other opportunities that were offered to him."

He added: "Recent results have not met his expectations or those of the team."

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