Sekyere East DCE is hot while Assembly members are about to pass the "vote without confidence"


L & # 39; Hon. Mary Boatemaa Marfo

L & # 39; Hon. Mary Boatemaa Marfo

Everything is going badly in the East Sekyere District Assembly of Ashanti region where it seems like the district district chief, the Hon. Mary Boatemaa Marfo, faces strong opposition from its members of the Assembly.

The members of the Assembly decided to overthrow the WFD through a mbadive "vote without confidence" campaign.

About 16 members of the Assembly simply want their DCE removed from office for gross incompetence and corruption.

See the full details of their plot in a statement here:


Pursuant to Part 2 (two) Section 4 (Four) B of the Model Model District Assembly Act, we are writing to request a meeting to complete the district chief's censure vote for Sekyere East. . District, the Hon. Mary Boatemaa Marfo.

The members of the badembly of the Sekyere East District Assembly, in accordance with the attached list, adopted the resolution to vote a vote of no confidence against the DCE in accordance with Law 936 (Local Government Act 2016). ) and the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana. Article 243, Section 3 (a) "The district director may be removed at any time by a vote of no confidence, supported by the votes of at least two-thirds of the district members voted against him"

This action is taken for the following reasons:

1. Malfeasance in school feeding (creation of Bob's existing schools and enrollment inflation in some schools)

2. Projects that do not go through the appropriate procedure; some projects and programs such as garbage disposal amounting to 5.3 billion (Old Ghana Cedis)

3. Disbursement by the PWD Pool: Items purchased unilaterally by DCE and distributed to PWD without following the recommendations of the appropriate committees of the Assembly and the necessary procurement procedure.

4.Payment of non-existing product (s): the DCE paid for the project (s) that did not exist or were not executed

5. Inflation of the sum of the contract.

6.The WFD has not implemented the government's flagship programs.

7.The WFD does not implement the decision made by the Executive Committee or the Complaints and Public Relations Committee agreed at meetings of the General Assembly.

8.The WFD is not interested in the interests of the members of the Assembly.

9. The actions and inaction of the WFD discredited the name of the District Assembly.

You will find attached the list of the members of the Assembly.

We urge the Chairperson to convene a timely meeting to address the above issues.

Thank you.


Hon Gyasi Boateng Francis

Hon Oppong Nkrumah D

Hon Ibrahim Adams

Hon Frimpong Emmanuel

Hon Saeed Ibrahim

Hon Kingsley Agyana

Hon J K Mensah

Hon W K Wiredu

Hon Abdul Razak Jibrill

Hon Adjei Baafi Emmanuel

Mr. Ernest Atta D.

Hon Yaw Boateng

Hon Micheal Anigyei

Honore Mercy Awuah

Hon Appiah Joseph







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