Residents complain about the location of the property at EMMA


By Albert Futukpor, GNA

Gambaga (NER), March
28, GNA – Residents of the East Mamprusi Municipal Assembly (EMMA) in the
The Northeast region complained of the lack of planning and
control of construction in the municipality saying that it led to unauthorized selection
of the property in the area.

They said this
resulted in perennial floods, among other challenges, that had health problems
concerns calling on the Municipal Assembly to take measures to rectify the

They raised the
concerns at a forum on social audit in Gambaga organized by East Mamprusi
Municipal Directorate of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) for
promote community ownership of development projects and policies.

The forum that
gathered leaders, identifiable groups, traditional authorities,
non-governmental organizations, including students, was also
raise citizens' awareness of EMMA activities and empower them to
require the liability of the bondholders.

He followed the
successful conduct of awareness actions at the municipal level on
Accountability, Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Program (PFRA) to deepen the
knowledge of what constitutes corruption, its forms and
its effects, including its links with human rights.

Other participants
were also not happy that the Zoomlion workers in the badembly had not been paid
for over a year now demanding that the situation be rectified to improve
sanitation in the badembly.

Mr. Mark Gumah,
An environmental officer at EMMA said that the poor implementation of the property in the
EMMA was due to the fact that there was no urban and rural planning office
plan and manage the orderly development of human settlements.

Mr. Gumah, on the
Zoomlion workers' non-payment problem, said that they had migrated its workers
biometric payment system, hence the delay in the payment of
his workers baduring that the allowances would soon be paid.

Meanwhile, the NCCE
EMMA has raised awareness among a number of stakeholders from
the area under the second phase of the ARAP, which is supported by the
The European Union, with the aim of promoting good governance, to protect
environment, reduce corruption and improve accountability and respect for
the rule of law.

included; traditional authorities, market women, youth groups,
the communities were; Gambaga, Nalerigu, Sakogu, Wundua, Nagboo, Langbinsi and
Samni among others.

NCCE also undertook
dawn and dusk shows in communities with the help of a mobile van for the purpose of
reach a large number of people with the ARAP message.

Mr Abu Nbadam, EMMA
Director of NCCE, who led the exercise in the communities, expressed the need
to avoid corruption and badume their civic responsibilities.


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