Presentation by Joy News: Public sector reforms try to stop the phenomenon of "paper citizens"


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The public sector reform official said his team was aware of the illegal acquisition of Ghanaian nationality by foreign nationals, but plans were underway to stop the threat.

Dr. Kusi Boafo told Joy FM Super Morning Show [SMS] Before Joy News's release on Documentary, Paper Citizens, the World Bank, in a survey, had brought the information to the attention of its group and plans are not yet advanced.

"The front-line services are causing us problems. Citizens do not benefit. Ghana as a whole also loses a lot, we also load the country with people who are not supposed to be here, and that also makes planning very difficult. Our small budget is seriously overwhelmed by this irresponsible behavior of Ghanaians, "he told Daniel Dadzie on Thursday.

The Joy News survey, led by Kwetey Nartey, highlighted the unbridled rot of some birth and death registrars, which has led foreigners to acquire Ghanaian pbadports.

With only a few Ghanaian cedis, a Cameroonian, a Togolese or a Nigerian can become a Ghanaian on paper. In fact, you need less than 150 ¢ to be Ghanaian.

Charging unapproved charges is not the only case of malpractice in the register of births and deaths that have been found to be complicit.

The 2016 report of the Auditor General indicated that the Registrar of the Birth and Death Register in Suhum was guilty of unapproved charges.

"We found that the Registrar of Births and Deaths billed $ 50.00 for a birth certificate to 575 clients instead of the approved 20.00 ¢ fee.

"However, the tax collector paid 11,500.00 ¢ to cover the total service rendered to the 575 customers. The difference of £ 17,250.00 has not been recognized.

"The lack of public knowledge about the conditions for obtaining a birth certificate and the fees to be paid have been taken into account by practice," says the report.

But Dr. Boafo said that these problems that hindered the registry would be a thing of the past.

He said that the modernization of the provision of front-line services in Ghana has led to the development of a national public sector reform strategy 2018-2023.

The head of the public sector reform said that loans had been obtained to modernize this agency. [Birth and Death registry]according to him, this will begin in two weeks.

The modernized system will include a configuration to instantly capture birth and death events in the country.

This will be done by establishing focal points in hospitals, private and public, in public and private morgues, in public and private schools. "

It is hoped that the new arrangement, which will involve media, leaders, churches and community leaders, will strengthen awareness programs aimed at educating Ghanaians about the essence of citizenship and the need to be part of the registration process. .

"The birth and death will have 256 motorcycles and pickups for immediate registration in the hinterland," said Dr. Boafo.

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