Roman Reigns reveals that he decided to withdraw from the ring after a leukemia diagnosis


– Roman Reigns has spoken with The Undefeated for a new interview about his diagnosis of leukemia, his treatment for the disease and more.

Upon learning that he had an enlarged spleen as a result of his leukemia diagnosis: "It was the immediate physical fear of having to get me out of the ring. With a ruptured spleen, it will obviously be a major operation, but people can die. It was a situation we did not want to put on, no matter how hard I could be. "

To have trouble talking about the disease in public: "There are always problems with which I am confronted every day. It's always weird to meet strangers and they say, "How are you feeling?" It's like an immediate sympathy for me. It's something I did not want, the part I do not like, because I do not want people to worry about me or feel sorry for me. Everything comes from a good place, but it's one of those things I always struggle with, my health being so public and it's the first thing people think or know about you. "

Focusing on returning to normal life: "For me, I just want to get back to a point where I lead a rather normal life, I just do what I love and I get the recognition of what I received before."

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